Creating a CSS Menu Writer menu

The CSS Menu Writer Menu provides you with an array of options and settings that allow complete customization of your horizontal or vertical navigation.

menu writer insert

Menu: Choose the menu you wish to work with. If creating a new CSS menu, leave <New Menu> selected.

Contents: Choose from a number of preset navigation items designed to help you create the navigation that works best for your site. Choose the option that best suits your needs, or choose <New from blank> to add each menu item manually.

Define The Contents Define button launches the Edit Menu Structure interface where you can customize the menu and add additional static or dynamic items.

Type: Choose whether you wish your menu to be a horizontal or vertical navigation.

Category: Choose the design you wish to use for your menu. If you intend to make a custom menu, choose <New from blank> or select a Category that best suits your desired design. Then, choose the Theme Define button to make your modifications.

Theme: Choose from a number of different color scheme options. If you intend to use your own custom colors, choose Default or select a Theme that best matches your desired color scheme. Then, choose the Theme Define button to make your modifications.

Define The Theme Define button launches the CSS Menu Writer wizard where you can customize the menu design including color scheme, widths and heights, text alignment etc..

Once you have made all your desired customizations and selections to your menu, click the OK button to insert the menu to your page. Your navigation menu will be inserted to the location on your page where your cursor was placed prior to launching CSS Menu Writer.