Add To Cart Buttons > Button

The Button tab in the Add to Cart Button dialog configures the type of button displayed. Users have the option of selecting from available images in eleven color schemes, a form button, or may specify a custom image location.

Provided images correspond to the available display skins provided for the shopping cart display.

To complete Button configuration for the Add to Cart button:

  1. Specify the button to be placed on the page.

    You have the option of selecting from a form button or several image buttons provided with the extension, as well as specifying an image button that you provide.

    The Button URL field will accept an http:// location, or a relative image file within your site.
  2. Enter text or server-side code to specify the alt text for the image. Leaving this blank removes the alt text attribute for the button.


Note: The form button option is useful if you need to change the name on the button from 'Add to Cart' to something else. However, if you want a different design for your button, you will want to create a different image yourself.