I wrap my form entries like so in DataAssist before entering into the database:
$WA_fieldValuesStr = "".((isset($_POST["title"]))?i8_InsertAlpha($_POST["title"]):"") ."" . "|" . "".((isset($_POST["details"]))?i8_InsertAlpha($_POST["details"]):"") ."" . "|" . "".$WA_DFP_UploadStatus["WA_UploadResult1"]["serverFileName"] ."" . "|" . "".((isset($_POST["sortorder"]))?$_POST["sortorder"]:"") ."" . "|" . "".time() ."" . "|" . "".((isset($_POST["title"]))? i8_UrlParameter($_POST["title"]):"") ."";
Where the function i8_InsertAlpha looks like this:
//=Use to insert strings into database==========================================
function i8_InsertAlpha($val) {
$insertVal = htmlentities(trim($val), ENT_QUOTES);
return $insertVal;
When you call this value into the page using a recordset you will need to do so like this:
<?php echo html_entity_decode($row_rsDetails['title']); ?>