Hi Zulian,
Out of curiosity, why not just save the file name in the database and then call the folder location when you display the image?
But to answer your question, if you designate the folder as "../images/" it will save to the images folder outside your admin because you denoted ".." which means to go up one level. If you wanted to save it to the images folder within your admin folder instead you would need to use just "images/" or you could use the root path like "/admin/images/". Keep in mind "images/" and "/images/" are not the same thing, so be careful there. The first one is relative and the latter is based on root.
But, I would save the "Server File" from Digital File Pro's binding in your database and then call the folder when displaying your image like this:
<img src="images/<?php echo $row_queryname['myImage']; ?>" />
Hope this helps some,
Best regards,