Color me Angry too!
This is very bad news.
Since I have already placed several contact forms using "ContactFormSolutionPack" and have pre-sold several "UserRegistrationSolutionPacks" I guess I must be an outlaw.
Really, in all seriousness. Where do you get off changing policy like this After The Fact!
I thought only Dick Cheney and Karl Rove were that entitled.
It's your business, dig a deeper hole if you wish. If you want to change policy to something you feel is more equitable to you, go right ahead. But you must let us – you remember us, the ones who pay your bills? – you must let us know Before you make the change. Making this change in policy apply to existing product is at the very least unethical. The more faithful might call it immoral. I think it approaches illegal.
Your scofflaw in the making