So I looked into the Admin -> Orders page. There is a checkbox for "Shipped" and "Confirmation". So I thought - Ohhh, I have to manually tell it to send the confirmation (which I don't think is right, but anyhow). So I check "Confirmation" (note I did NOT check "shipped") and click on update. So a second later, I DO get an email from my site, BUT it sent the "Your Product Has Shipped" email. Not a confirmation stating I received the order.
So it's sending the wrong email. And I thought it should send the confirmation email as soon as the user places the order. Shouldn't it?
Either way, checking off "Confirmation" on the update Orders page in Admin section doesn't do what it's supposed to. It sends the shipped email without the shipping details. And clicking on Shipped sends the same email but WITH the shipping details. Doesn't make sense to me.
And it's definitely not sending what the Globals file says it should. The payment or order confirmation email should say Order Receipt. Not "Shipping Confirmation".
Or am I getting this all wrong? Perhaps that confirmation checkbox is for shipping. and I'm just not getting the order confirmation email like I should.