The email that is sent from the Admin -> Orders page is the shipping confirmation email, not the order recipt email.
To trouble shoot why the recipt email is not being sent, the first thing I would want to do is to determine if the code where getting into the email section.
find the following on the confirm page:
if ((isset($_POST["Submit_order"]))) {
//WA Universal Email object="mail"
//Send Loop Once Per Entry
$RecipientEmail = "".((isset($_POST["email"]))?$_POST["email"]:"") ."";include("WA_Universal_Email/WAUE_confirm_1.php");
//Send Mail All Entries
if (""!="") {
header("Location: ");
and change it to:
if ((isset($_POST["Submit_order"]))) {
//WA Universal Email object="mail"
//Send Loop Once Per Entry
$RecipientEmail = "".((isset($_POST["email"]))?$_POST["email"]:"") ."";include("WA_Universal_Email/WAUE_confirm_1.php");
die("Send Email");
//Send Mail All Entries
if (""!="") {
header("Location: ");
If the email is being sent, you will see a whit screen with the words "Send Email" on it. if you see that, then there is likely a problem with one of the payment receipt variables
$WAGLOBAL_Receipt_Email_Subject = "Order Receipt" ;
$WAGLOBAL_Receipt_Email_FROM = "" ;
$WAGLOBAL_Receipt_Email_CC = "" ;
$WAGLOBAL_Receipt_Email_BCC = "" ;
make sure that none of the address in the form BCC or CC settings is the same address you are placing the order with, this may cause the email to be treated as spam.
Let me know the results of that test, and we can take it from there.