Ray ~ that addition sounds like a good idea. It seems really unsettling to create a method that trusts someone to upload both image and relevant thumbnail (not to mention creating thousands of thumbs at the start of the database when the client has to sit for hours on end entering details into a new storefront). There is of course, the option to insert two image fields on the _detail.php that would allow users to check that both thumb and image are the same, but if at some point a minor amend or touch-up is done in photoshop 1) it may not be possible to see the difference 2) the two images would now be named differently image_thumb.jpg and image_01.jpg (if the auto increment option was set in the upload wizard and you of course forgot to upload the thumb).
I have GD library on my server.. so this code would be inserted on the results page, as a function of some kind? ie. function (create_thumb) and then to call the image I would echo (create_thumb) ~ does that sound about right to you?
You do not know a good source for this free php script?
many thanks