I'm sorry Ray, I'm just not getting it.
Just to make sure we understand each other:
I want to prevent the page from reloading so that after the submit button on the getDircections form is clicked the information is loaded into the wagmp_directions_1 div without the whole page having to reload. I am not interested in a separate info window opening up. The function your example code came out of (see below) doesn't look like it'll do what I want. And the buyFTANow.com page you referred me to doesn't have a form to get directions anyways, which is confusing to me and why I don't think we are talking about the same thing. Would you mind have another go at an explanation for me?
Thanks, I appreciate you taking the time!
function updateInfoWindow() {
wagmp_map_1_obj.markers[0].openInfoWindowHtml('<span style="font: 12px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: black;"><strong>from address:</strong><br><input id="fromaddress" type="text"><br><strong>city, state:</strong><br><input id="fromcity" type="text"><br><input type="button" value="get directions" onClick="wagmp_map_1(document.getElementById(\'fromaddress\').value+\', \'+document.getElementById(\'fromcity\').value)"></span>')