Invalid CFML construct
I am receiving the following error when I try to use search. I ran the wizard and it returns this error when I search for anything.
Invalid CFML construct found on line 235 at column 119.
ColdFusion was looking at the following text:
The CFML compiler was processing:
* An expression beginning with URLEncodedFormat, on line 235, column 90.This message is usually caused by a problem in the expressions structure.
* The body of a cfoutput tag beginning on line 231, column 12.
* The body of a cfoutput tag beginning on line 231, column 12.
The error occurred in C:\websites\\RSR_Results.cfm: line 235
233 : <td></div>
234 : <div class="WADAResultInfoArea">
235 : <div class="WADAResultTitle"><a href="RSR_Detail.cfm?RSRStockNumber=#URLEncodedFormat(WADARSR.RSR Stock Number)#">#WADARSR.Full Manufacturer Name#</a></div>
236 : <div class="WADAResultDescription">#WADARSR.Product Description# <a href="RSR_Detail.cfm?RSRStockNumber=#URLEncodedFormat(WADARSR.RSR Stock Number)#">More...</a></div>
237 : <div class="WADAResultCommerceArea">