Powerstore v2 email issues (contact form, user registration, forgot password, etc)
I have surfed the forum but did not find anyone with this email issue:
(1) "Contact Us" - after I clicked "submit", I received an error message next to the email input box "Please provide your email addess so we can get back in touch with you." The emails used are XXX@gmail.com, XXX@companyxyz.com.
(2) "User Registration" page - after I clicked "Register", I received an error message next to the email input box "Please enter a valid email address."
(3) "Forgot Password" page - after I clicked "Sent", I received an error message next to the email input box "Please enter a valid email address."
Is there a general issue with my email set up (I have not altered any of the code wrt to email or mail.php).
Please advise. Thank you.