show region: three times anomaly?
The following "show" region insists on a three times repetition when there are only in fact 2 times in the recordset; and I do not understand why:
$wa_startindex = 0;
while(!$myTuesdayCancellations->atEnd()) {
$wa_startindex = $myTuesdayCancellations->Index;
display 3 times anomaly here<br>
<?php // echo date('M', strtotime($myTuesdayCancellations->getColumnVal("cancelleddate")));
// echo (" ");
// echo date('jS', strtotime($myTuesdayCancellations->getColumnVal("cancelleddate")));
$myTuesdayCancellations->moveFirst(); //return RS to first record
This is the SELECT query that generates it:
$myTuesdayCancellations = new WA_MySQLi_RS("myTuesdayCancellations",$mysqli_workshops,0);
$myTuesdayCancellations->setQuery("SELECT * FROM workshops.cancellationdates WHERE (cancellationdates.cancelleddate BETWEEN (DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 0 MONTH)) AND (DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 5 MONTH))) AND (WEEKDAY(cancellationdates.cancelleddate)=1) ORDER BY cancellationdates.cancelleddate");
The URL for the relevant page is in the private area.
Thank you.