I did carefully download the relevant file, earlier.
So I got rather puzzled.
Rather than relying on DreamWeaver to "get" all additional files, I have this time d/led manually (using WinSCP).
There are in fact two webassist directories.
One is at the root as just /webassist/
The other is located in that working directory of /presenters/webassist/
Both contain a SecurityAssist folder.
I am now praying that I have the right file, because I have downloaded both on this occasion; and also created a backup of each up there on the server, just in case.
I hope that will cover all future eventualities, and apologise for any error I might have made.
I have downloaded . But I am reckoning that it is the presenters/webassist that is the relevvant one, for it has considerably more files in it than the other.
Thank you.
And I am again sorry for the inconvenience.