Select onchange
I have a SELECT field on a form that uses a query for the list.
It uses onchange to trigger.
However, if the user clicks on the first item on the list, nothing happens. It only works if the user clicks on any item other than the first.
<select name="CountyName" id="CountyName" onchange="this.form.submit()" >
while(!$rsCounty->atEnd()) { //dyn select
<option value="<?php echo($rsCounty->getColumnVal("CountyName")); ?>"<?php if (!(strcmp($rsCounty->getColumnVal("CountyName"), ((isset($_GET["select"]))?$_GET["select"]:"")))) {echo "selected=\"selected\"";} ?>><?php echo($rsCounty->getColumnVal("CountyName")); ?></option>
} //dyn select
How can I get it to trigger on the first item as well as any other? I tried onclick, but that ONLY selected the first item.