Thank you Ray.
Reference #2) I didn't know about this directory webassist/email; obviously this is something the Server Behaviour created.Lesson learned. Is it safe to delete all of the forgotpw__..php except for forgotpw17 to keep my directories clean? I see now where this file is referenced in the forgot_password.php "mailBodyFile"=>"webassist/email/forgotpw_17.php"
Reference #3) I was not aware that if data contained a single quote and I am referencing a value in a recordset that I put sent the paramenter after the fied name to false. Most of the time I will not know if there is a single quote in data that I am pulling from a recordset, should I as a general rule set this parameter to "false" if the data I am pulling is NOT an integer field?
I can't tell you how much I appreciate the support I get from you and webassist. It is awesome. Thank you again.