It has been several days of research, then dead ends mixed with a lot of other projects that took me away from this. So sorry for the delay in following up.
After my phone conference with PP, they sent me a couple of links to read documents. Ignore the link in my first post. That one is for much larger applications.
This is what they sent me.
Advanced Checkout Overview -
Integration Details -
JavaScript SDK reference -
Orders API -
Then the example file
The examples they show use EJS templating and I couldn't seem to get node.js on my local MAMP server. They don't offer any other examples, so I did some searching. Although I did find some PayPal Rest API examples, they all use composer. SO, I setup composer for my local project root. The files I have created based on some tutorials seem to be functioning but honestly, I don't think those are using the right SDK for the front end.
I really wish they could provide a barebones example in php so I can see how this is suppose to work.
I know there is a client-side and a server-side. A request and a response.
The PayPal js SDK is used on the client-side and the Orders REST API is used on the server-side. But then you have to generate a client token and I can't seem to figure any of that out.
Since eCart has always been there to do all of that, I don't have the experience but I'm trying to learn. I'm just trying to have all the materials I need ready, before requesting a Premier support ticket so I will get back to you on my progress and when I'm at that point.