I am considering image resizer to display thumbnails on my details page. Please review and let me know if this is a good approach.
Page url and details in PM.
1) Concern - Does adding these thumbnails add significantly to my page load?
2) Is this a logical approach
The user can add up to 5 pics, I want to add a thumbnail of each picture where I am showing the expand button that says "More Info and Pics of 'This Is Howie Roll"
I have not used image resizer but it seems like a good option. But I am wondering if light box is a better approach as far as user friendly and page loads.
I actually like my expand window and the ability to see all the pictures full size by scrolling therefore feel as long as it does not load the images full size and then resize them to thumbnails it should not affect the page load time much but again looking for your insight.