where should framework builder function to be called on success reside
Hey Ray,
I have a load plugin to div page that does load in, but a function to populate a select box don't seem to trigger "on success". I tried to relocate the function onto either page and nothing seems to work. I am using the 'functionname()' as the function to call on success without any luck.
I am $_POST in values into the plugin page to run a Query which works... I have Show if's applied which work if query returns/ or not... they also work...
Should I be naming the function in a certian format ie. 'name' or 'name()'... or in my case 'intervals(startString, endString)' ....i have tried all and nada!
The plugin page will work on it's own when not brought in as plugin.
Any help appreciated.
It seems that if any function is called I recieve this errer in DevTools....
Uncaught TypeError: on_success_start is not a function
at pluginxmlHttp.<computed>.<computed>.onreadystatechange (ajax.js:66:9)
pluginxmlHttp.<computed>.<computed>.onreadystatechange @ ajax.js:66
XMLHttpRequest.send (async)
framework_ajax_plugin @ ajax.js:127
framework_load_plugin_url @ Menu_dev.php:22
onclick @ Menu_dev.php:75
ajax.js:127 XHR finished loading: POST "http://localhost/bootstrap/webassist/framework/ajax_wrapper.php?plugin_from=localhost/bootstrap/Menu_dev.php&plugin_file=cGx1Z2lucy9vcGVuY2xvc2VkLnBocA==".
framework_ajax_plugin @ ajax.js:127
framework_load_plugin_url @ Menu_dev.php:22
onclick @ Menu_dev.php:75
remove the function called and all is good