So in the end you would like the user to fill in the info on this page then check the info to confirm that it is correct for the user rite? You then want to send the user to the email password page if this is the case correct?
If this is the case then you must do more with the recordset you have on the page. You must filter this recordset on all of the entered values that the user submits that you would like to verify. Once the rs is filtered on all of these values you will know that the user matches the user in the db. You can then redirect them to the verify page.
I did not see the recordset filtered in the code you posted, it was only being filtered on session username variable. You must filter it on the other values as well if you are wanting to confirm them.
Once you have the rs in place then you can proceed with the next part which is to have a custom piece of code that checks to see if there is a record in the recordset, if there is then you can send the user off to the verification page. If you wanted to make sure they cannot access the page directly then you will first set a new session variable that will indicate the user has been verified. Then at the top of your email password page you do a custom check for this session variable, if it is not set or does not have a value then you would send the user back to the verification page.
I can cover this last part in more detail with you but I think it would be best to have the other part in place, this will make it much easier to implement this last part. Please post back with any questions that you have about the query and getting the check of the recordset in place before moving onto the email password page.