you keep starting new threads asking this same question. please keep to one thread sao we can effectively help you,. If you continuously start new threads on the subject, we will not be able to get to the solution you are looking for.
the product options should be available on the product detail page. The product detail page will filter the products on a querystring vartiable.
for an item to have multiple options types, say color and size, you need to create a cat column for each option type set each of these cart columns to be unique.
In the Add to cart button server behavior, set each of those columns to updatable. from a select list.
If the options are coming from a database, you need to create a recordset for each of the possible options types.
using the database structure given previously in this thread, you will need to create a join query for each option group.
Lets in the option group tabel you have:
optiongroupID | optiongroupName
1 | size
2 | color
the recordset to return the options for size will look like:
SELECT options.optionName
FROM options
INNER JOIN optiongroups ON options.optionOptiongroupID = optiongroups.optiongroupID
INNER JOIN productoptions ON productoptions.productoptionOptionID = options.optionID
WHERE optiongroups.optiongroupID = 1 AND productoptions.productoptionProductID = $_GET['ProdID']
The recordset for color would be the same except the optiongroups.optiongroupID = 2.