I am sooo new at this. HOW NEW ARE YOU?:
I am so new the 12:00 is still flashing on my forehead...
After a little sleep, little being the operative word here, I realize that:
1) I need something to initiate the registration (and subsequent login). That should be a button/tab/link to the page containing user_registration.php, correct?
2) I will upload and test from my host server as the next step in trying this.
3) I edited my docs as instructed by WA with Word saved as .txt, since (.php isn't available) and then change the extension back to .php in Win Explorer. Is this hurting the .php files? If so, what editor should I use. WordPad isn't ant better, though more generic. (I will search for a free .php editor after I post this.)
See? Although I deeply appreciate any and all the replies and help from you kind co-members, I don't think we're dropping back far enough for my mustard-seed-sized brain to jump onto the track. I am glad and sad to say that I believe you underestimate the denseness of my cranial fog. Apparently basic instructions aren't basic enough for me.
I cannot express the depth of my gratitude for the assistance you are offering. Time for the newb to grow up. I promise to post less and experiment more, BTW. :o
I will incorporate all your suggestions and then unfold this sad saga to, hopefully, guide any other fetal-newbs like myself.