the way that options effect price is to use a priceLookup recordset.
your option select list needs to pass the option ID into a recordset to return the option name and the option price increment.
when you have options that effect price, you do not set the Update ble from a select option for the option column.
you need to create the option select list manually. you will need a recordset to populate the option select list.
the label will use the option name.
the value will use the option ID.
then create a second recordset to lookup the price of the selected option.
In the add to cart button, you bind the option name and the price increment columns of the cart to name and price increment columns of the price lookup recordset.
This is not the way you have configured the add to cart buttons.
the ecart options tutorial is broken into 2 parts. the first part uses options that do not effect price.
the second part uses options that do effect price. Look through that second part of the tutorial again for full details.
I'm not suggesting that you gut your site. Only that you are not following the relevant parts of the tutorial to accomplish your goal.