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msql php question

Thread began 3/17/2009 8:57 pm by tlpirc372764 | Last modified 3/25/2009 7:20 pm by tlpirc372764 | 6098 views | 11 replies

Mark Fletcher

Hello grantr281040,

Many thanks for your feedback on the Database Starter Kit for PHP we really appreciate it. Please find below comments on some of the points you raised.

Complete novice talking here....I remember it got me to display data on a recordset page but I had no idea at the time how to move the data forward to a details page. I felt as though it just kind of dropped me there. It is sort of missing the connection between the recordset and the add to cart function in my opinion. I am a complete begginer and I am sure that some of the info you guys think is just common knowledge is unknown to me and because most of the terminology is greek to me, I need to have all the dots connected.</Quote>

The aim of this starter kit is to provide learners with a general overview of using a Database with Dreamweaver. Whilst we could of included material showing how to integrate this with an “Add to cart” function, we felt that it would be better to cover eCommerce in a separate starter kit.

<Quote>I assume that is some sort of error connecting to my database...??? I am guessing it is because my database hasn't made it to my remote server??? I don't know, and if it is the case I'm not sure how to get it there.</Quote>

In general hosting companies enable a user to upload their MySQL Database using a Control Panel. The problem we found was that many hosting companies use different Control panels and whilst we did try and come up with a solution that would fit all users; for this first version of the Database Starter Kit we decided that we would focus on creating a connection on your local machine. Although this is an issue that we will try to cover when we next update the Database Starter Kit, for the time being I would recommend that you get in contact with your hosting company. They will be able to provide you with instructions on how to get your MySQL database on to the remote server.

With regard to the error message you are encountering on your workstation, I would recommend that you submit a support ticket using the web address I have included below. One of our support technicians will be more than happy to help you get over this hurdle.



Mark Fletcher | Training Manager | WebAssist

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