coding for hire
I need someone to perform the following coding for ECART. If interested please provide quote.
Custom Coding Needed
I am looking for someone willing to assist me in coding Ecart for the following:
I need to be able to store new and old orders in the database and also be able to upload new orders in CSV.
I need the following maximum characters for each of the following fields they must be in this sequence:
Batch Orders (CSV file upload)
■click on “drop ship”
■click on “upload orders” link
■see where it says “upload a batch of orders in a file”
■You submit a customer file and then the associated product file.
■You can get the file format info on that page, it is listed below as well.
■Both files must be “comma-delimited (CSV)” and in the following field order:
Customer File - CSV
FIRSTNAME (32 characters allowed), LASTNAME (50 characters allowed), ADDRESS1 (61 characters allowed), ADDRESS2 (60 characters allowed - this is for Apt #, PO Box, etc), CITY (48 characters allowed), STATE (48 characters allowed), ZIP (14 characters allowed), COUNTRY (2 characters allowed), CONTACTNAME (40 characters allowed), EMAIL (72 characters allowed)(UPS will email tracking number), PHONE (24 characters allowed)(receiving customer phone required for international orders), LEAVE BLANK (0 characters allowed), INVOICENUMBER (8 characters allowed), LEAVE BLANK (0 characters allowed), SHIPPING (17 characters allowed - Must be one of the following: UPS Red, UPS Blue, UPS Orange, International UPS, UPS Ground, US Mail)
Product File - CSV
INVOICENUMBER (9 characters allowed), PRODUCTNUMBER (20 characters allowed), QUANTITY (4 characters allowed)
Thanks for your consideration.