I upload everything as is with the config.php change to the server and I would think that the image would show up just like it does locally, but it doesn't.
Well I go to the update page, and go to upload a new image but it gives me an error of
Error creating folder "/public_html/admin/iRite/userfiles/image/" (Can't create directory)
Now the question is, where does the image folder come from? It's not written in the config.php file for iRite. Both the absolute and relative goes to /userfiles.
and I noticed that iRite makes a new folder named userfilesimages but then that link does userfiles/images (when trying to upload the images, I've tried doing the image info tab and the upload tab, both with the same error message)
I've went in and changed the permissions to 777 on all thinking that would help write to the folder, but it doesn't.
I've even tried adding the http address fully to the userfiles folder and it does the same error message.