DataAssist does this when you create a results page by creating a simple object to alternate a value and referencing that value. The code looks like:
//WA AltClass Iterator
class WA_AltClassIterator {
var $DisplayIndex;
var $DisplayArray;
function WA_AltClassIterator($theDisplayArray = array(1)) {
$this->ClassCounter = 0;
$this->ClassArray = $theDisplayArray;
function getClass($incrementClass) {
if (sizeof($this->ClassArray) == 0) return "";
if ($incrementClass) {
if ($this->ClassCounter >= sizeof($this->ClassArray)) $this->ClassCounter = 0;
if ($this->ClassCounter > 0)
return $this->ClassArray[$this->ClassCounter-1];
return $this->ClassArray[0];
//WA Alternating Class
$WARRT_AltClass1 = new WA_AltClassIterator(explode("|", "class1|class2"));
then you can just refer to the class as:
class="<?php echo $WARRT_AltClass1->getClass(true); ?>"
This will automatically go through and give you the next class. It works with two or more classes.