Looking for expert PHP Coder to build 2nd ecommerce site
I built a website using Ecart about 6 years ago and everything is working great. I want my new site to me much more advanced complete with Database searches, user/admin logins, a way to post reviews for each item, a live chat and most importantly a way to customize products when they are added to cart: check boxes/menus that can be selected to add additional items/features etc. It would take me atleast 6 months to learn>build this type of integration which is why I'm seeking the services of a professional coder to just get everything operational. I came here because I know my way around the Webassist / Ecart and do plan on updating/maintaining the database once its built - I'm familiar with PHP scripting - I'm probably a soft 4 on a scale from 1-10...I need somebody who is at least a solid 9. There are just quite a few levels of integration I want to implement that I simply don't have the time to learn right now. Please contact me either through here or erik@thermospace.com if you think you're up for the job so I can elaborate a little further on what I need / discuss pricing.
I use paypal payments pro as my merchant gateway.
-Erik V.