I am still not getting in, I have pasted my failed attempt in the private message. Can you please clarify the very end and possibly copy my code and adjust and paste? Or I am happy to set up an appointment. I have several issues to go over.
One of the additional questions I have is regarding my include file. So this file we are working on is my navigation that has the member log in, log out, based on session variable. It is included on every page of my website. It is an acceptable practice to include the recordset as well as css style links on this include file.
I also have a 'server domain' code that I would like to have on this file.
So one include file for the navigation menu with my
Menu Links including log in, log out... based on session variable
Related recordset
Server domain code so links work from any directory
Style sheets so that each 'section' of the website can have unique colors.
Thank you