Ahh.. Yes, that was the step I was missing. Okay, I understand now. Yes, the product is coming from a recordset. It's from PowerStore's product_results.php page. This is something I can do with that, right? Or because it's utilizing the search function to show the products, is this going to be more complicated...
So I add a column using phpMyAdmin to the Products table. Should I add a default value of zero?
After I do that, I goto the products that I want free shipping applied to, and in that new column, I add a # 1 to those item's. Then in the products_results.php page -> in the add to cart button, I bind that new column to the new column I created in the cart. This is the part I don't understand how to do, but I'm guessing that I'll figure it out.
Although I just read your other reply stating that eCart would need to support two shipping rate lookup behaviors, so is all this pointless? Is it really impossible to offer free shipping on certain products? Or were you stating that, in regards to the initial way I was trying to get this done. Adding the new column to the products table - will this method get around needing two shipping rate lookup behaviors, or will it just get me so far and I'll run into the same problem....