Making the "Email_To" dynamic
I am trying to dynamically generate the "Email_To" address in the contact form from a recordset. I have added a hidden field to the contact form with a value "member_email" containing the specific e-mail address coming from the database.
So far I have been able to successfully use this variable to make either the "CC" or the "BCC" work in the "WAUE-contact.php file" .
such as:
$MailCC = "".((isset($_POST["member_email"]))?$_POST["member_email"]:"") ."";
but I can't seem make the following work on its own:
$MailTo = "".((isset($_POST["member_email"]))?$_POST["member_email"]:"") ."";
The contact form only works (sends mail) if I hard code an e-mail address in the WA_Globals.php file, such as.
$WAGLOBAL_Email_To = "" ;
If I leave this blank :
$WAGLOBAL_Email_To = "" ;
and rely on the WAUE-contact.php to supply the e-mail address, the form doesn't send any mail.
I would like to replace the above value ($WAGLOBAL_Email_To) with the dynamic one from my database.
Any ideas?
Thanks for your help,
Arthur Woods