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Thread began 1/14/2010 11:26 am by dave260615 | Last modified 11/05/2010 4:52 am by ShorePatrol | 4585 views | 21 replies |



Is it me, or is there no way to add a target="_blank" to a menu item?

I've created a new menu, and I'm editing - but I only have a Name and Link textbox....?

Any ideas?


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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

The target attribute is not available in the wizard, you will need to add this to the link after the menu is created.

For example, the code for a menu item will look similar to:

<li><a href="page1.htm">Menu Item 1</a></li>

You can modify that to:

<li><a href="page1.htm" target=_blank">Menu Item 1</a></li>
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Wow - I'm kinda surprised at this - why wouldn't a common attribute like target be included?

I haven't got the chance to try what you suggest - but I'm assuming once you add the target manually, if you edit the menu again, all the target values will be lost, since the menu is essentially re-written.....isn't this true?

If so, you can't expect someone who has a pretty extensive menu to go through the code and re-add all the targets each time the menu is updated....

Are there plans of adding target to this system? This just seems like a terrible oversight to me.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

Unfortunately, yes, if you edit the menu, the target attributes will be overwritten. I have logged a feature request to have this included in a future version.

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Any update on this Jason?


It's been 3 months, will the target attribute ever be added to this?

As it stands now, I can't even use this extension without it. I've been waiting in hopes it will be added.

Can you check on this please?


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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

Generally, new features are not added to a product as an update, I would not expect to see the target attributed added until Menu Writer 3 is released.

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TARGET is a "Feature"? Who are you kidding?

You call that a "feature"? My God man...

That is HUGELY dissappointing to hear. I have read other posts on here about the same issue.

Just so we're clear, if TARGET is a feature, then a steering wheel is an upgrade for a car...

I mean seriously, I'm not trying to be smart, but there's a difference in releasing an upgrade with something that's clearly missing that should be there, and releasing a new version with new features. You don't have to be an expert in HTML to know that TARGET is a critical piece when using a href links. Seriously, it's like selling cars with no wheels. Had I known this prior to buying it, I would have gone with a different menu system.

Further, I don't know of any other company (and there's plenty of them) who have TARGET missing from their menu system, and then call that a feature you have to wait for.

This is the problem with business in general. You buy a bunch of their stuff, like I have yours, then you start nickle and diming, calling everything a feature, and requiring you to buy the next version.

Enough said -

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No Target? Refund Please.


At this point, you have not indicated a fix will be provided with the missing "target" attribute. You've only indicated that this "feature" will be included in the next major release, which I will have to pay for.

This stance by Webassist is terrible - I still can't use this extension without the target attribute, so I am requesting a refund please.

Please let me know what I need to do to receive a refund.

Thank you.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

I have forwarded your request for a refund to our sales department.

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Wow wish I'd read this post PRIOR to purchasing Menu Writer last week. What a waste of $$. I too am really disappointed.

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