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How to create 5 most recent orders

Thread began 2/13/2010 6:47 am by nenad391153 | Last modified 2/13/2010 6:24 pm by nenad391153 | 2758 views | 9 replies |


How to create 5 most recent orders


We do not have Powerstore but rather a custom store created through Data-Assist. We would like to replicate the "5 most recent orders" section that is on the admin dashboard of the Powerstore 3. What are the necessary steps to take in order for us to create a list of 5 of the most recent orders?

We need this to be a simple list of no more than 5 orders that are dynamically updated.

Thank you in advance for anyone's help!

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CraigRBeta Tester

one way of doing this is simply to sort the recordset by an appropriate field , (order_id or order_date for example) and return only 5 rows.

eg "SELECT * FROM `tblorders` ORDER BY order_id DESC LIMIT 5"

will return the last 5 orders

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Craig thank you for your help. Excuse my learning of databases, but how would I go about adding these records to a page once that recordset is created?


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CraigRBeta Tester

not sure about your coding / database knowledge.

i use dataassist to help create pages for admin sections as it can help speed up the development process

personally, where i need to query more than 1 table, or need more complex select statements, i just stick with dreamweaver.

if you are familiar with dreamweaver basics, i can walk you through it.

essentially, once you have created your recordset, add the fields you need to your page.
you can then add a 'repeat region server behavior' to display all of the rows returned in your recordset.

please let me know the structure of your order table, i will create a select statement and php page for you.

(i assume you are using php/mysql, my asp is a bit rusty and coldfusion pretty much non existent)


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Thank you for your help! You are very kind!

My orders table is the default ecommerce database structure here from webassist.

I only need to pull OrderDate and OrderShipName for this simple table that only shows the 5 most recent orders. The order id is: OrderID

I hope this is enough information. Please let me know if you need anything else. This little table is going to be placed inside of a sidebar with a width of about 155.

Thanks Craig!

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CraigRBeta Tester

ok, this has no formatting as such, but the code works.

check the code, you will need to change the connection string.

all i have done for this example is created a query to choose the last 5 orders, by sorting the contents of the orders table in descending order of orderID and limiting the number of rows returned to 5.

i put the result fields in a table and added the repeat region server behavior to the table.

its not pretty, but should show you what you need to do.

good luck

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Craig you rock! Thank you so much!!! It's perfect!

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Hey Craig, real quick.....everything works great. I added OrderAmount. Is there a way to format the OrderAmount field to include commas and decimal places? So from: 50000 to 50,000.


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CraigRBeta Tester

no problem.

take a look here..


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Perfect, thanks!

For anyone who wants to know:
$<?php echo(number_format($row_WADAorders['OrderAmount'],2)); ?>

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