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iPhone - Mobile devices.

Thread began 2/21/2010 2:08 pm by John Langer | Last modified 3/16/2010 2:08 pm by anonymous | 2875 views | 7 replies |

John LangerBeta Tester

iPhone - Mobile devices.

I created a menu with dropdowns using other software (a long time ago). They are now saying that it doesn't work when viewed on an iPhone (it doesn't). So they now want me to correct the issue (for a fee). Will CSS Menu Writer work on an iPhone when looking at the site through the mobile browser? This is the specific dropdown (fly out) functionality.

Do they ALL work or only some of them or none of them?

Any one tested this?

What about other mobile devices?

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

CSS Menu Writer menus where not created to compatible with mobile devices.

One issue issue that mobile devices do not use the DOM or CSS Events as standard browsers do, each mobile device will use it's own proprietary CSS Event architecture.

Here is one article on the subject for the iPhone:

you may also find this helpful:

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John LangerBeta Tester

Thanks Jason, that's interesting stuff.

I've quickly done a site using SiteAssist and CSS Menu Writer. You can see it here. I've looked at it on my iPhone and it seems to work OK. Obviously more by luck than design if CMW wasn't designed to work on mobiles..

I'd be interested, if anyone has the time, to see how other mobile devices work with it.

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menu on blackberry

Hi, had a very quick look on my blackberry 9000 and it seems to work assuming there are no drop down menus included?

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John LangerBeta Tester

Originally Said By: oliver.cook358121
  Hi, had a very quick look on my blackberry 9000 and it seems to work assuming there are no drop down menus included?  

Yes, it's the drop down menus that are the bone of contention. Am I to assume then that on a blackberry the drop downs do not work?

Thanks so much for taking the time to look. Much appreciated.

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I think you will be fine on any device with real web browsing capabilities. The Blackberry unfortunately, except for maybe the newer Bold model that runs on 3G in the States (not sure what networks it utilizes in Europe) are probably going to be problematic. But, if you make sure your parent item opens a page that then contains links to all of the would be dropdown items, I would say that you have provided the same functionality and hope your client would see it that way too. I really think that is the only happy medium in this case.

Good luck,


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John LangerBeta Tester

Thanks Brian,

Yes, I was thinking the same. I did a site some years ago now where I employed the same stategy. My thoughts then were for people who had JavaScript turned off. This time of course I'm thinking specifically about Mobile devices but, as you say, the same solution should work.

At the end of the say the original site was built using drop down menus and now they are asking for mobile use. They will just have to accept a compromise unless there is a drop down menu method that works out there somewhere?

OK many thanks for the replies guys.

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On a slightly different note when talking about cross compatibility, did anyone see Google's announcement to not support Internet Explorer 6 any longer? I was THRILLED beyond belief that a big dog in the web industry was willing to stand out and say that 9 year old browser was and is pure crap. Now, I don't feel so bad to tell people that my studio will end support of IE6 too. Not only has IE6 been terrible at rendering, it is a monstrous security threat.

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