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Powerstore Fails with 1+1 in the UK

Thread began 3/02/2010 2:17 pm by esms | Last modified 3/04/2010 4:27 am by nc299051 | 3346 views | 14 replies |

esmsBeta Tester

Powerstore Fails with 1+1 in the UK


After being unable to run PS3 past step 2 of the 'simple installation wizard' using 'local host' on my PC, and it not being allowed to run on two other live hosts (Fasthosts and 123Reg), I have now uploaded the program to a '1+1 UK' hosting package.

The UK package is more expensive that the USA version and you get less databases to use.

Anyway, that aside, it fails to run at 1+1 UK. It won't even get past step 1 of the 'Simple Installation Wizard'!!!!

The error message (attached) states PHP5 is required rather than the detected version 4. So, even using the hosting company recommended by WA, it seems UK customers are stuffed.

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esmsBeta Tester

Just checked 1+1's site and it states PHP5 is installed !!! Anyone know how I can make PS3 'believe' it is installed and, therefore, let me get past step 1?

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

1and1 only enables PHP4 by default. to enable PHP 5, you need to create a .htaccess file with the following code in it:

AddType x-mapp-php5 .php

and upload it to the root of you server.

More details can be found here:

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esmsBeta Tester

Originally Said By: Jason Byrnes
  1and1 only enables PHP4 by default. to enable PHP 5, you need to create a .htaccess file with the following code in it:

AddType x-mapp-php5 .php

and upload it to the root of you server.

More details can be found here:


I'm sorry - this means nothing to me !!! I can't see a htaccess file in PS3. And, if I could find it, do I just change its name to AddType x-mapp-php5 .php ?

I can't see anything in the PS3 docs about this to help clarify what you mean. Is there a WA PS3 pdf somewhere on this? I ask so I don't waste your time.


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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

this is not a power store 3 issue.

It is an issue with 1 and 1.

power store 3 does not have a file called .htacess. you need to create it.

follow these steps:
1) Open a text editor

2) Start a new file.

3) paste the following code:

AddType x-mapp-php5 .php

4) Go to File -> Save As.

5) Name the file ".htaccess"

6) Upload the file to your server.

the documentation for accomplishing this is on the 1and1 site:

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esmsBeta Tester


Sorry, it didn't work. I opened a text editor and pasted the code inside it and saved it as


It wouldn't save without a number / letter.

I uploaded it but it still doesn't pass step 1.

I guess that's the end of the line then after 3 different hosting companies, and a local server. It's all such a lottery whether PS3 will work in the UK.

Has anyone else managed to get it to work?

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esmsBeta Tester

Sorry - wrong screenshot - here's the one uploaded.

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From your screen shot, it appears you saved the file as "5.htaccess".

You don't want the "5" in there.

It needs to be saved as ".htaccess". Also make sure your text editor is not appending a ".txt" to it either or it will not work.

You could probably use dreamweaver to simply rename it to ".htaccess" and then reload it and you should be good to go.



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Office Guy-172461

For those that want to read up on it:

The .htaccess hidden file

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esmsBeta Tester

Originally Said By: SOJO web
  From your screen shot, it appears you saved the file as "5.htaccess".

You don't want the "5" in there.

It needs to be saved as ".htaccess". Also make sure your text editor is not appending a ".txt" to it either or it will not work.

You could probably use dreamweaver to simply rename it to ".htaccess" and then reload it and you should be good to go.



Hello Brian,

Yes - that worked when inside DWCS4. Thanks. It simply wouldn't save without adding something to the start.

Sorry Jason, I disagree when you state it's not a PS3 issue. I do think that this is an issue with PS3 because it prohibits use of it without PHP5 because WA's partner and recommended hosting company 1+1 doesn't run PHP5 by default (although 1+1 don't tell you this) then surely every single PS3 / 1+1 customer will not be able to get past the 'Simple Installation Wizard' without further assistance. Surely, this needs addressing by providing the necessary file or at least written into the manual.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting past step 2 now and into the unchartered waters of steps 3 - 7 of the 'Simplae Installation Wizard'. Never been able to get past step 2 before!!!

Again thanks.

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