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eCart 4.5.2 Shipping Configured For USPS

Thread began 3/06/2010 1:51 pm by online.order393818 | Last modified 3/08/2010 5:39 pm by Jason Byrnes | 2109 views | 7 replies |


eCart 4.5.2 Shipping Configured For USPS

If there is anyone that is currently using eCart 4.5.2, and has successfully configured your cart.php page, or checkout.php for USPS. I would appreciate it greatly if you would share your code with me.

I have been trying to configure my cart to use USPS for shipping for the past month without success.

The problem I'm have is that for (1) item that cost $4.99 with a weight of (2) ounces the shipping calculation using First Class is costing $18.86.

I have exhausted all the possible resources presented to me here at Web Assist Forum Support to no avail.

Thank you,

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

The shipping code generated for me when usig the checkout wizard looks like:


//WA eCart UPS Shipping Include
//WA eCart (Copyright 2007, WebAssist)
  //WA eCart USPS Shipping - USPS
$Shipping_SuccessURL "";
$Shipping_FailureURL "shipping_failure.php";
$Shipping_Packaging 0;
$Shipping_PackageArray = array();
$Shipping_PackageIndex 0;
$Shipping_Counter 0;
$Shipping_Parameters = array();
$Shipping_Parameters["ShiptoZip"] = "".((isset($_POST["shipping_postcode"]))?$_POST["shipping_postcode"]:"")  ."";
$Shipping_Parameters["ShiptoCountry"] = "".((isset($_POST["shipping_country"]))?$_POST["shipping_country"]:"")  ."";
$Shipping_Parameters["UserID"] = "########";
$Shipping_Parameters["USPSServer"] = "";
$Shipping_Parameters["CarrierCode"] = "FIRST CLASS";
$Shipping_Parameters["DefaultIntl"] = "none";
$Shipping_Parameters["ShipperZip"] = "92102";
  while ((
$Shipping_Packaging == && !$eCart1->EOF()) || ($Shipping_Packaging == && $Shipping_Counter == 0)) {
    if (
WA_eCart_USPS_IsTrueValue("true")) {
$Shipping_PackageArray[] = array();
$Shipping_PackageIndex sizeof($Shipping_PackageArray)-1;
$Shipping_PackageArray[$Shipping_PackageIndex]["eCart_Quantity"] = (($Shipping_Packaging == 1)?$eCart1->DisplayInfo("Quantity"):1);
$Shipping_PackageArray[$Shipping_PackageIndex]["IsPackage"] = "true";
$Shipping_PackageArray[$Shipping_PackageIndex]["Quantity"] = "".WA_eCart_FormatNumber($eCart1->DisplayInfo('Quantity'), true1)  ."";
$Shipping_PackageArray[$Shipping_PackageIndex]["WeightUnits"] = "OZ";
$Shipping_PackageArray[$Shipping_PackageIndex]["PackageWeight"] = "".WA_eCart_FormatNumber($eCart1->TotalColumn('TotalWeight'), true1)  ."";
$Shipping_PackageArray[$Shipping_PackageIndex]["PackageType"] = "YOURPACKAGING";
$Shipping_PackageArray[$Shipping_PackageIndex]["PackageSize"] = "REGULAR";
$Shipping_PackageArray[$Shipping_PackageIndex]["PackageMachinable"] = "true";
$Shipping_PackageArray[$Shipping_PackageIndex]["IPackageType"] = "Package";
//Special Services
    if (
$Shipping_Packaging == 1$eCart1->MoveNext();
  if (
$Shipping_Packaging == 1$eCart1->MoveFirst();
$Shipping_Result WA_eCart_USPS_GetRateQuote($eCart1$Shipping_Parameters$Shipping_PackageArray);
  if (
$Shipping_Result && $Shipping_SuccessURL != "")
$eCart1->redirStr $Shipping_SuccessURL;
  else if (!
$Shipping_Result && $Shipping_FailureURL != "") {
Header("Location: " $Shipping_FailureURL); exit;
else if (!isset(
$_SESSION["eCart1_USPS_Success"])) {

this is using a cart name eCart1. The shipping rate is determined by starting and ending zip code as well as weight.

to get some information on why you are getting the shipping rate, try adding the following ode on the confirm page in the bady:


if(!session_id()) session_start();
"<br />Full Request: ".htmlentities($_SESSION["<your cart name>_USPS_FullRequest"]));
"<br />Full Response: "htmlentities($_SESSION["<your cart name>_USPS_FullResponse"]));

<your cart name>

for the name of your cart object. This will tell us what is being sent to USPS and what us being sent back.

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eCart 4.5.2 Shipping Configured For USPS


Thanks for your response. I'll compare it to my code and see what happen. I had already earlier compared my code to that of 'ryanteete 270615' from a thread posted earlier by this memeber, but that didn't work for me either!


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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

perhaps if you could post your code, as well as the results of the Full Request and Full response code I supplied, I could see what is going wrong.

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eCart 4.5.2 Shipping Configured For USPS


I tested the new code, and the shipping price is still too high. 1 item, totalweight 2 oz, shippng cost $12.02.

Based on origin & destination the cost should be no more than $2.50 using USPS First Class.
I've attach a zip file with 3 gif images for you to take a look at as well as the code from my checkout.php file.

Thank you,

Attached Files
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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

the shipping code looks correct to me.

Hmmmm, thats strange, the request and response from USPS are not coming through. Try using this code instead:


if(!session_id()) session_start(); 
"<br />Full Request: ".$_SESSION["Kyla_USPS_FullRequest"]); 
"<br />Full Response: "$_SESSION["Kyla_USPS_FullResponse"]); 

If the Request and response are still not coming through, please send a copy of your WA_eCart folder.

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eCart 4.5.2 Shipping Configured For USPS


I got a response from USPS server this time. The shipping quote is still the same naturally, no re-config was done to the code except change the request & response code.

I've attached 1 gif, and the WA_eCart directory.


Attached Files
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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

I have created a support ticket so we can look into this issue further.

To view and edit your support ticket, please log into your support history:

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