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Mentoring / Tutoring Real Time

Thread begun 3/08/2009 7:09 am by Les Crowley | Last modified 8/24/2009 4:40 pm by Les Crowley | 5569 views | 6 replies |

Les CrowleyBeta Tester

Mentoring / Tutoring Real Time

Real time - via secure screen sharing - tutoring and mentoring for WebAssist Professional products.

We are the official mentoring and training partner of WebAssist.

Php and ASP development platform experience.

Mentoring and Training Services

* WebAssist product mentoring and training
* Integration of other products with WebAssist products
* Database creation, connection and setup help
* Help you work through the logic of how your WA products fit together.
* Setup help to get your local development environment up and running.
* Complete your project for you or do the entire project from start to finish.

* PowerStore - integration help

When you're stuck, we are a port in the storm! Let us help you be successful!

To sign up, go here webassist.asp. Contact us for additional information.

Les Crowley, Managing Director
DynamicImages Interactive

Phones • 724.964.4460 • 904.377.6701
Toll free: 877.932-9889
Fax • 309.214.5443 -•- Skype ID • DynamicImages

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Set up time

Hello Les,

I just purchased one hour for tutoring on ecart. Do you have any time tomorrow? I have my cart set up with UPS real time quote and that seems to be working fine but I have some items that need custom shipping charges and I am having a very difficult time with that.

Thank you
Nicki Mcleod

I am available all day from 9:30 AM until 5PM Eastern Time

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php help


I have a question. The last time we talked I had about a half an hour left - we were working on my shipping issues. Since then I figured that out. The cart is live, however I am having some problems and need some help with a php code. Basically I need a code that I have to filter mysql results by a session, or by responses... or something like that. I have tried about everything and can not get it to work. I was wondering if I could use that half hour for some php help? This part really has nothing to do with ecart.

Thank you

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eCart - Add PayPal Option


I currently have an eCart implementation with The site contains both 1 time purchase and subscription purchase options for a large number of items. I would like to add a PayPal option to the current one. The current checkout process was done with a bit of custom help from WebAssist.

Let me know if you would be able to assist with this.



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Les CrowleyBeta Tester

Hi Lawrence,

Yes I can assist you with adding a Paypal option. Just give me a call and we can discuss it.

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as yet undefined help

Hi Les

I hope you are well.

In a couple of weeks I will be building a new WA Powerstore 2 for a client.

Once built I know I will have several issues with which I will need expert help.

I don't really want mentoring, I simply need an experienced pair of hands to fix all of the bugs and add functionality to my site/s.

Will you be able to provide such support ?



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Les CrowleyBeta Tester


I'm doing great thanks! Give me a call when you're ready.

While I do a fair amount of mentoring / training I also do custom coding for both Powerstore and eCart to add new features and enhance existing ones. I'm certain that I can help you accomplish what you're looking to do.

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