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combine or concatenate form fields

Thread began 3/11/2010 6:34 pm by evansg7124312885 | Last modified 1/11/2012 2:10 pm by afeliksas433126 | 4367 views | 12 replies |


combine or concatenate form fields

My site requires date calculations. I have set all pages that collect dates up to require users to select dates in 3 menu boxes; year, month, and day. So far I have built pages to express this data as needed using the 3 values separated by the text that makes it reader friendly. So far my work has been done in PHP/MySQL.

My databases are set up to receive year, month, day, and DATE (4 different fields); the user only enters 3 values and the 4th should be based on the prior 3. What I would like to do is at the insert or update pages, have the DATE field fill off of the 3 date values entered and insert the "-" at their appropriate points, or concatenate the values to make a valid DATE entry. Within the Insert/Update server behaviors and in the DATE field, here is a sample of one of several field command attempts that so far have failed to post vaild dates in the SQL database:
<?php echo ((isset($_POST["selYearcal1"]. "-" . $_POST["selMonthcal1"] . "-" . $_POST["selDaycal1"]))?$_POST["selYearcal1"]. "-" . $_POST["selMonthcal1"] . "-" . $_POST["selDaycal1"]:""); ?>

Again, I am trying to fill the DATE with a valid date value using the 3 user inputs.

I am learning (by no means skilled) PHP language, can anyone show me the syntax/command to combine form elements and text to create a valid date for database entry?



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follow on note

The form fields to collect the Year, Month, and Day are working fine, I am only trying to combine these 3 individual elements into 1 valid date value.

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Jimmy Wu

You will have to create a date object that is valid if your database column is date type:

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How to concatenate two registration form fields into one

On the registration form I have 3 fields:
1. GrFirstName

The same columns I have in PhpMyAmin database.

Question is - what is the way to concatenate "GrFirstName" and "GrLastName" in order to get "GrFirstLastNameJoin" without every single time typing them manually into registration form's field "GrFirstLastNameJoin"?

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

there is no reason to have a separate GrFirstLastNameJoin column in the table.

on the page that outputs the user information, you can concatenate the First and last names by using the following code:

<?php echo($row_recordsetName['GrFirstName']." ".$row_recordsetName['GrLastName']); ?>

where recordsetName is the name of the recordset that returns the user data from the database.

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To follow

What if I want "Name Surname" column from database to use in another form as a drop-down menu?

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

use this same code as the value for the select list;

<?php echo($row_recordsetName['GrFirstName']." ".$row_recordsetName['GrLastName']); ?>
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Can't get it work

Once again.

I'm inserting a new Registration Form.
Run "Record Insert Form Wizard".
Choose Table from Database list.
Select the form field (GrUserID) where I need to have menu, select Display as: Menu.
Menu Properties...
Do I need to select "Populate menu items" - manually or From database?
If from database - it prompts to choose Recordset (labels and values). Even if I paste In "Select value equal to:"
<?php echo ($row_WADADynListpcms2_users['UserFirstName']." ".$row_WADADynListpcms2_users['UserLastName']) ?> (as you suggested)

in menu on the form it gives just labels from Recordset.

Using Manual population it does not give any value.

What am I doing wrong?

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

select to populate the menu from the database.

choose the first name column for both the label and the value

this will set the code for the options to look like:

<option value="<?php echo($row_WADADynListpcms2_users['UserFirstName']); ?>"><?php echo($row_WADADynListpcms2_users['UserFirstName']); ?></option>

you will need to edit the code manually to:

<option value="<?php echo($row_WADADynListpcms2_users['UserFirstName']." ".$row_WADADynListpcms2_users['UserLastName']); ?>"><?php echo($row_WADADynListpcms2_users['UserFirstName']." ".$row_WADADynListpcms2_users['UserLastName']); ?></option>
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Managed to get menu

Yes Jason, managed to get Name and Surname into my drop down menu.

But choosing from drop down menu "Name Surname" I want to post UserID value into database instead of "Name Surname".

What part of code I need to amend?

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