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Theme it

Thread began 3/16/2010 11:14 am by brandoli400690 | Last modified 3/18/2010 1:17 pm by brandoli400690 | 2518 views | 8 replies |


Theme it

I just tried using THEME IT to change pictures in my powerstore site I am working on and IT COMPLETELY CHANGED THE SET UP - moved everything off and totally screwed up the template, even though the template looks fine in my original file. The files I was changing were the small icons on the index/home pages (info, question mark, check mark, etc.)

ALSO: I am now getting this message in Theme-It:

A script in file MacintoshHD:Applications:AdobeDreamweaverCS3:Configuration:Shared:WebAssist:ManageThemes:shared.js has been running for a long time. Do you want to continue?

It seems to keep on working whether I choose yes or no but then when I uploaded the template and associated files to the site it totally screwed up my display.
HELP!! Thanx

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Eric Mittman

Do you have any links to the before and after versions of the pages so that we have a reference for what has changed, screen shots may help as well. When you were using Theme It to make the changes what are the steps that you took?

In regards to the error you are getting when using the tool have you tried deleting the cache file to see if this helps to resolve the problem? Here is a link to the page with instructions for this to see if it can get you past this error. Please post back with the details and let us know if the error has gone away so we can determine how to proceed.


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Theme It issues

Please see attached file - it shows what Theme it does to my preview screen of your powerstore3 index.php file.
As for how the home page file looked after I uploaded it to the website, you should know what your Powerstore 3 index page looks like. I only changed the colours and a few of the images. It mashed the three boxes across the page (new products, about us, most popular) down the side, eliminated the white background on the store message area and shifted the news section from the right to the left, and destroyed the white area that was the store description on the bottom
I did try emptying the cache files, although I think maybe you are suggesting that I have to do this every time I use the program? How inconvenient.
Now I'm trying to figure out how I can re-upload just the index.php and home.php files and have them connect to the template and images again without screwing up the entire site or having to start completely from scratch.

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Eric Mittman

You should be able to revert the pages by re-uploading the originals. If the pages were functionally unchanged from the original pages you will get the same results when re-uploading the downloaded files as you did when you first set it up.

I was asking for screen shots or links to the pages so that I have a visual reference for what has changed. I do indeed know what the default pages look like but I'm not sure what your newly updated pages that are not correct look like.

I have opened a ticket for you on this so that it can be checked out further. To check on the status of your ticket or update it login and visit your support history.


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The preview image that you uploaded suggests that the stylesheets can't be located where they should be.

Can you confirm that all the stylesheets are in the correct relative positions on your local (& testing server) site as well as on your remote server?

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theme it

I've been working on this site for several weeks. The file locations haven't changed anywhere.
The page changed when I used Theme-it, and tried to replace the icon images.
Theme-it performed a similar operation on another site.
I have included an image of what the page layout looks like since changing the icons in theme-it.

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Uploading file Theme-it

I am attaching the file to be as close as possible to what I originally had it before I used Theme-it. Having uploaded it now to the website, it still looks different. I uploaded all files related/attached to this index.php file.

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index.php file after using Theme-it

It appears to be the home.css file that is corrupt. It is the only file I didn't relink in the index.php file, now it's pulling it in from the web.
I wasn't looking like this before I uploaded the Theme-it page so how can I correct it?
Do I have to reload the home.css file and re-format my changes from scratch?
I would really love to use Theme-it without any worries, however, I just don't feel confident that it won't keep doing this.
I have not yet used Theme-it on the new Dreamweaver page attached. I am going to try it again. I was just changing images when all of this happened.

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Theme It window

OK, Here is the Theme-it window that comes up with the Dreamweaver page I previously attached. Doesn't look like the Dreamweaver page at all.

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