session cache limiter error
I am using my own php form and have added a Security question and honeypot feature to the form (from yr contact form solution pack) and have the following error on the page :
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/afrika/public_html/lendersquotes/html/includes/FinanceHeader.php:4) in /home/afrika/public_html/lendersquotes/html/forms/WAVT_ValidatedForm_PHP.php on line 3
Link is: Enquiry_form.php
I have used your pdf instructions to extract the relevant code for these features and have rechecked them. I do not have sessions on this site so not sure why this is happening.
I have tried forums to find a solutions to no avail.
thanks for help