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blank page in admins preview

Thread began 4/07/2010 5:24 am by tonyg375318 | Last modified 4/15/2010 4:48 pm by Eric Mittman | 4505 views | 9 replies |


blank page in admins preview "WAMP"

I use WAMP as testing server, and Dreamweaver CS4.
I have installed the Power Gallery. Installation went well and got a new database in phpMyAdmin.
But when I use the PG admin and select any design and look in the preview, so nothing happened.
It say "waiting for http://localhost/GeologiskaMuseet/PowerGallery/admin/preview.php" and i get a blank page.
Same thing if I click on the URL link "http://localhost/GeologiskaMuseet/PowerGallery/galleries/ribbon_lightbox/index.php?gallery=1&theme=dark"

Same thing if I copy and paste the PHP code in my php page

What am I doing wrong?
Best Regards

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Eric Mittman

A blank php means that there is an error occurring, to see what it is you can enable error reporting on these pages by putting this php code at the top of the page:



When you put this code in save and test the page, it should let you know what the problem is.

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Wamp ??

I've added the code at the top of the page and I get nothing.
Still a blank page.
I can say that the Power Gallery works perfectly on my live server, but not with WAMP.

I want it to work on WAMP server also, because I can not work on both my test server and live server simultaneously. I have much more to do on my pages than simply adding up the Power Gallery. And it becomes much harder to work with layout and graphics are not true.
So what to do?


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Eric Mittman

A blank php page should return an error if the error reporting code is on it. Are you having any problems with your db connection, or with your local testing server? Did you add in the error reporting code directly to the PowerGallery/galleries/ribbon_lightbox/index.php page? This is where you should put in the error reporting code.

Did you go through the installation process for this, or did you port it directly from your live server?

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wamp server

I have installed the PG via the WAMP server and it worked well.
He created a table, i can se that om my phpMyAdmin.
But there was no table in dreamweaver, so I had to add it manually. Look picture_5.
Then I run the PG admin and I took sample pictures from PG, everything works fine if you do not preview.
I put the code in a div on my php page. Look picture_1.
Then I run F12. Result after 1.40 minutes, picture_2. Everything is almost gone
I put the Error Reporting code on all pages.
I put the Error Reporting Code also on Power Gallery / galleries / ribbon_lightbox / index.php. The result was picture_3 and picture_4.

I hope it was a better explanations.
Thanks for the reply.

edit: Here is the code I put into my page.

$pg_id = '1';
$pg_theme = 'dark';

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Eric Mittman

In the screen shots you show an error that you are getting on the index page, you should not be going directly to the index page to view a gallery. Instead you should only have the include code on the page that you wish to see the gallery with. If you would like to go to the gallery directly you will need to use the URL that you see in the 'add to site' section of the PowerGallery Admin.

The end part of the URL might look like this:


As for the table that could not be found that you added manually I do not understand what is being stated here. If you have a connection to the db in DW then you should be able to see the tables for that db and make reference to them. Please explain this part further so that we can have a better understanding of the details.

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Even if I take everything away and only install a clean PG with built in example pictures
it won't work.
I use the url on the 'add to site' section of the PowerGallery Admin and
Internet Explorer says ' Url found. waiting for answer..'.
I found out that it is the row
$gallery = get_gallery(get_mediarss_url('gallery=' . $pg_id . '&thumb=62c&full=782p'));
that won't work.
If I delete 'get_mediarss_url' it loads, but with no images.
I checked in phpMyAdmin and everything is there.
I have tested connections.php and it runs without errors.

If I install PG on my web hotel, in the same way , it works perfectly.

I use win7 (x64) with Internet Explorer 8 (x32).


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Eric Mittman

Do you have another browser that you can try this in? If you are setting it up the same way as it works on the live server it should work for you locally as well. Have you checked your local db to ensure that the tables are there and there are records in them? If so then it should be working for you. If you continue to have trouble with this I will open a ticket for you so we can look into it further.

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I tried in Firefox, won't work.
I checked my Db, see prev. msg, all is there.
If I load mediarss.php in Dreamweaver and prev. in Explorer it list all
sampleXX.jpg in Gallery 1.


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Eric Mittman

I have opened a ticket for you on this so we can look into it further. To update your ticket please login and visit your support history:


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