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Form builder crashes when edited

Thread began 4/07/2010 5:58 pm by dave378160 | Last modified 4/14/2010 2:18 pm by Jimmy Wu | 3959 views | 11 replies |


Form builder crashes when edited

I used css formbuilder and Universal Email 4 to create this page.


Whenever I try to edit any text area in any way, when I go to click on the "Finish" tab it disappears and shows this error message. When I try to click on the "yes" option Dreamweaver crashes completely. I've attached the message.

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In addition

Okay, after much trial and error I got something to function. This might make it easier for a tech support person to help me out. This is my process to get the contact.php page to work from my initial html template.

1. I create a new page from my HTML template and save it as contact.html.
2. I insert CSS FormBuilder and create the form with the prebuit options.
3. I then close the page and physically change the extension from contact.html to contact.php (Dreamweaver then updates the site with that change)
4. I open the contact.php page up and insert cursor in the form area somewhere and >Insert >WebAssist > Create Email Message.
5. I save the file once I'm done with Universal E-mail and upload to the server and then it works.

If I try this in any other order it always fails.

Here is the current page location. (contact.php)

Is there something behind the scenes that I'm missing?

When I go back to edit this form it still gives me that warning message I posted in my first comment but it doesn't crash Dreamweaver this time.

Someone please help me before I just start to cry. :)

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This post has been deleted.

Jimmy Wu

Could you attach the form page to the forum so I can take a look at it? Most likely you can just remove that line of code that is being referenced without any issue, but let me take a look at the file first.

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Did you mean just this "form" section below?

<form class="Sharp_Default" id="SimpleContact_Sharp_Default" name="SimpleContact_Sharp_Default" method="post" action="contact.php">
WebAssist CSS Form Builder - Form v1
CC: Contact
CP: Simple Contact
TC: Sharp
TP: Default
<ul class="Sharp_Default">
<fieldset class="Sharp_Default" id="Contact_me">
<span class="groupHeader">Contact me</span>
<ul class="formList">
<li class="formItem"> <span class="fieldsetDescription"> Required
* </span> </li>
<li class="formItem">
<div class="formGroup">
<div class="lineGroup">
<div class="fullColumnGroup">
<label for="Contact_me_group_Name" class="sublabel" >Name:<span class="requiredIndicator">&nbsp;*</span></label>
<div class="errorGroup">
<div class="fieldPair">
<div class="fieldGroup"> <span id="Contact_me_group_Name_Spry">
<input id="Contact_me_group_Name" name="Contact_me_group_Name" type="text" value="<?php echo((isset($_GET["invalid"])?ValidatedField("contact","Contact_me_group_Name"):"")); ?>" class="formTextfield_Large" tabindex="1" onblur="hideServerError('Contact_me_group_Name_ServerError');"/>
<span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">Please enter
your name</span> </span>
if (ValidatedField('contact','contact')) {
if ((strpos((",".ValidatedField("contact","contact").","), "," . "1" . ",") !== false || "1" == "")) {
if (!(false)) {
<span class="serverInvalidState" id="Contact_me_group_Name_ServerError">Please
enter your name</span>
<?php //WAFV_Conditional contact.php contact(1:)
<div class="lineGroup">
<div class="fullColumnGroup">
<label for="Contact_me_group_Email" class="sublabel" >Email:<span class="requiredIndicator">&nbsp;*</span></label>
<div class="errorGroup">
<div class="fieldPair">
<div class="fieldGroup"> <span id="Contact_me_group_Email_Spry">
<input id="Contact_me_group_Email" name="Contact_me_group_Email" type="text" value="<?php echo((isset($_GET["invalid"])?ValidatedField("contact","Contact_me_group_Email"):"")); ?>" class="formTextfield_Large" tabindex="2" onblur="hideServerError('Contact_me_group_Email_ServerError');"/>
<span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg">Invalid
format.</span><span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">Please
enter a full email address</span> </span>
if (ValidatedField('contact','contact')) {
if ((strpos((",".ValidatedField("contact","contact").","), "," . "2" . ",") !== false || "2" == "")) {
if (!(false)) {
<span class="serverInvalidState" id="Contact_me_group_Email_ServerError">Please
enter a full email address</span>
<?php //WAFV_Conditional contact.php contact(2:)
<div class="lineGroup">
<div class="fullColumnGroup">
<label for="Contact_me_group_Address" class="sublabel" >Address::</label>
<div class="fieldPair">
<div class="fieldGroup">
<input id="Contact_me_group_Address" name="Contact_me_group_Address" type="text" value="<?php echo((isset($_GET["invalid"])?ValidatedField("contact","Contact_me_group_Address"):"")); ?>" class="formTextfield_Large" tabindex="3" />
<div class="lineGroup">
<div class="fullColumnGroup">
<label for="Contact_me_group_Phone" class="sublabel" >Phone::</label>
<div class="fieldPair">
<div class="fieldGroup">
<input id="Contact_me_group_Phone" name="Contact_me_group_Phone" type="text" value="<?php echo((isset($_GET["invalid"])?ValidatedField("contact","Contact_me_group_Phone"):"")); ?>" class="formTextfield_Large" tabindex="4" />
<div class="lineGroup">
<div class="fullColumnGroup">
<label for="Contact_me_group_Comments" class="sublabel" >Comments:</label>
<div class="fieldPair">
<div class="fieldGroup">
<textarea name="Contact_me_group_Comments" id="Contact_me_group_Comments" class="formTextarea_Small" rows="1" cols="1" tabindex="5"><?php echo((isset($_GET["invalid"])?ValidatedField("contact","Contact_me_group_Comments"):"")); ?></textarea>
<li class="formItem">
<div class="formGroup">
<div class="lineGroup">
<div class="fullColumnGroup">
<div class="fullColumnGroup">
<label for="Contact_me_group_Security_code" class="sublabel" >&nbsp;</label>
<div class="errorGroup">
<div class="fieldPair">
<div class="fieldGroup"> <img src="WA_ValidationToolkit/WAVT_CaptchaSecurityImages.php?field=Contact_me_group_Security_code&bgcolor=FFFFFF&transparent=false&noisefreq=75&noisecolor=B31700&noiseorder=0&gridfreq=25&gridcolor=000000&gridorder=0&font=Fonts/monofont.ttf&characters=5&textcolor=000000" alt="Security Code" class="Captcha" /> </div>
<div class="fullColumnGroup" style="clear:left;">
<label for="Contact_me_group_Security_code" class="sublabel" >Security
code:<span class="requiredIndicator">&nbsp;*</span></label>
<div class="errorGroup">
<div class="fieldPair">
<div class="fieldGroup"> <span id="Contact_me_group_Security_code_Spry">
<input id="Contact_me_group_Security_code" name="Contact_me_group_Security_code" type="text" value="" class="formTextfield_Large" tabindex="6" onblur="hideServerError('Contact_me_group_Security_code_ServerError');"/>
<span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">Entered text
does not match; please try again</span> </span>
if (ValidatedField('contact','contact')) {
if ((strpos((",".ValidatedField("contact","contact").","), "," . "3" . ",") !== false || "3" == "")) {
if (!(false)) {
<span class="serverInvalidState" id="Contact_me_group_Security_code_ServerError">Entered
text does not match; please try again</span>
<?php //WAFV_Conditional contact.php contact(3:)
<li class="formItem"> <span class="buttonFieldGroup" >
<input id="HiddenFields_fields" name="HiddenFields_fields" type="hidden" value="<?php echo((isset($_GET["invalid"])?ValidatedField("contact","HiddenFields_fields"):"")); ?>" />
<input class="formButton" name="SimpleContact_submit" type="image" id="SimpleContact_submit" src="CSSFormBuilder/FD_Sharp_Default/submit.gif" onclick="clearAllServerErrors('SimpleContact_Sharp_Default')" />
</span> </li>
<script type="text/javascript">
var Contact_me_group_Name_Spry = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("Contact_me_group_Name_Spry", "none",{validateOn:["blur"]});
var Contact_me_group_Email_Spry = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("Contact_me_group_Email_Spry", "email",{validateOn:["blur"]});
var Contact_me_group_Comments_Spry = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextarea("Contact_me_group_Comments_Spry",{validateOn:["blur"]});
var Contact_me_group_Security_code_Spry = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("Contact_me_group_Security_code_Spry", "none",{validateOn:["blur"]});
var Contact_me_group_nbsp_Spry = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("Contact_me_group_nbsp_Spry", "none",{validateOn:["blur"]});

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I've also attached two screenshots above of what dialog boxes I get when I open the for up in Dreamweaver. If I ask it to identify the code it's looking for it brings up a small list. I've attached that screenshot as well.

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Getting some things to work. But if I go back and edit the basic form before I use Universal e-mail this particular warning window just keeps on getting bigger and bigger.

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Hiya Dave,

The error message you get in DreamWeaver (which doesn't necessarily show when viewing page in Browser) - "This document contains javascript code for a widget that no longer exists etc." refers to the Spry validation javascript widgets between the <script> tags near the bottom of your page code

At the moment in your page at (contact.php), you have five lines of code for (what should be) five Spry validation fields in your form:

<script type="text/javascript">
var Contact_me_group_Name_Spry = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("Contact_me_group_Name_Spry", "none",{validateOn:["blur"]});
var Contact_me_group_Email_Spry = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("Contact_me_group_Email_Spry", "email",{validateOn:["blur"]});
var Contact_me_group_Comments_Spry = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextarea("Contact_me_group_Comments_Spry",{validateOn:["blur"]});
var Contact_me_group_Security_code_Spry = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("Contact_me_group_Security_code_Spry", "none",{validateOn:["blur"]});
var Contact_me_group_nbsp_Spry = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("Contact_me_group_nbsp_Spry", "none",{validateOn:["blur"]});

but you only have three fields in your form that are currently being Spry validated, i.e. only three have a Spry <span id="somename_Spry> </span> that is matched with a javascript widget line at the bottom of your page.

In your form, at the moment, the fields you are validating with Spry are the Name, Email and Security code (captcha) fields.

<span id="Contact_me_group_Name_Spry">
<span id="Contact_me_group_Email_Spry">
<span id="Contact_me_group_Security_code_Spry">

For now, the lines shown in gray in the javascript widget lines above (3rd & 5th) should be removed. You can easily add Spry validation to any other element later if you want to.

I can't make out all the errors in that last image, but they're surely not for live the page you link to are they, (hopefully)?

If you could post a copy of the latest page you're working on, we should be able to identify what the error messages are referring to.

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Hey neilo, when you say post the page, do you mean the code here or just a link to the page on the internet? The latest one I'm working on has those extra validation things and if I change anything on the form it just gets bigger. I'm thing about just doing a video capture of my process and maybe that might get some insight as to what I could possible be doing.

The files still seem to work though so at least I got that going for me. :)

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I think I see what's going on. If I change the form header name/group whatever it's called using CSS FormBuilder, it's not adjusting the Spry Validation code and it's generating a new set. I removed all the old Spry Validation code with the old name/group headers and the warnings went away and it still worked. I wonder why it refuses to update that part of the code since it's all supposed to function together, I can't be the only one dealing with this can I?

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