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php.ini permissions

Thread began 5/27/2009 12:19 pm by paul.urgero235355 | Last modified 1/28/2010 1:51 pm by Jimmy Wu | 25280 views | 75 replies |


php.ini permissions

I've got everything uploaded onto my "Shared" hosting server. The pages look good. When I try to add a product through the admin section, I get the following errors:

Warning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(C:\WINDOWS\Temp\php156.tmp) is not within the allowed path(s): (c:\inetpub\wwwroot\HCRESELLER\xxxxxxxxxx\ in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\HCRESELLER\xxxxxxxxxx\\www\WA_DigitalFilePro\HelperPHP.php on line 87

Here is line 87: $imageSize = getimagesize($uploadedFile["tmp_name"]);

I realize that it is a php.ini issue somewhere...but I'm on a Shared Hosting Server, and can't expect the Hosting company to change their settings just for me.

What do I do?


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Justin Nemeth

It appears that your website user doesn't have permissions to the default windows temp directory. When files are first uploaded, they go to this temp directory, then they are resized/moved to the folder in your site.

Check out this php.ini setting:

Overriding that setting to somewhere within your web folder (the full intetpub path you have above) should fix the problem.

If you are running apache for the webserver, here is some info on how to override a value using an .htaccess file:

In any case, it sounds like you might have to contact your host to help resolve this if the above doesn't work or you don't have permissions to change it.

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I'm still working on this issue...I've put the full path in (as you suggested), but no deal yet. I'm waiting to hook up with my support dept today.

Question though...shouldn't the categories show up on the page when I enter them, or only when I successfully add a product to one?


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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Categories should show up after adding them regardless of products being added.

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Just like the products not showing up, the categories don't either. They show up in the Add Products area, but not on the website.

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

They won't show on the web site until there is at least one product available in that category. I thought you were talking about the admin.

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So does anyone have an idea as to why the products are not showing up?

The latest change is:

I've created a folder on my website called: imagesTemp. I changed the HelperPHP.php file to reflect the path to it. I logged into my website admin (not the powerstore admin), and gave my account read/write permissions to the folder. When I clicked on Insert, it just brought me back to the Add New page. Nothing changed, nothing added.

I added read/write permissions to the Everyone account, and still the same thing. I'm not getting any errors, it is just bringing me back to the Add New page.

I've been dealing with Jason on this issue, and 2 days ago he updated it telling me that the problem has been elevated...but I'm at the point where I need to get this issue fixed. Would really appreciate any quick help.


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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Sorry about the delay in support. Jason, our head of support, is out on vacation for two weeks starting this past Tues. As a result we are a little backed up. We should be getting a handle on it soon.

What is your incident number?

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I understand...Jason has been great in his assistance. Very patient with me.

Support #: 86662

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I've been on the phone with tech support from my hosting provider, and we've tried almost everything. He has given me permissions for the C:\temp folder, and he even tried adding a product himself, with no success.

What is happening now, is the base_dir error is not showing up. Actually, we're not getting any errors except that when I click Submit, it brings me back to the Insert page, with the Red text next to the image paths, asking me to enter valid image files.

Appreciate your help.

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