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I live in Canada yet want to use a shipping method based on weight

Thread began 5/23/2010 11:31 am by stevenb_1959318737 | Last modified 6/07/2010 2:13 pm by Eric Mittman | 2443 views | 8 replies |


I live in Canada yet want to use a shipping method based on weight

I live in Canada yet want to use a shipping method based on weight since none of the Power Store shipping methods work in Canada.
What I would like to do is give each product a weight and determine an order cost based on weight such as $1.50/lb. such that any order under 1lb would be $1.50 shipping and any weight over this is calculated based on $1.50/lb, such as a total sale is 2.43 lbs, its shipping would be (2.43 lb multiply by $1.50/lb) $3.65. Is there anyway I can do this and how would I change the code if it was possible to do?

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as far as I'm aware as PS3 is a standalone module it is not easy to change without hand coding.

If however to have the ecart extension then you can as far as I'm aware modify as much as you want



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Eric Mittman

Like Ian has noted, in order to make these edits you will need eCart. With eCart installed you can create your own custom shipping charge rules based on weight and not rely on the preconfigured shipping providers. If you do not have eCart installed you will be limited to the preconfigured shipping providers or custom hand coding to get the shipping implemented.

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I have ecart

I have ecart, I will try, not much of a coder

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Eric Mittman

When you are using eCart to add in your own charge rules you will not need to code anything yourself. You are just setting up the values in the interface, eCart will write the code for you based on what you setup. Before you use eCart to edit any of the charge rules or add your own make sure to check out this post and get the updated files you will need:


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I was trying to edit Ecart Object

I watched the Tutorials, added the fix file (update that will allow the cart object to be modified) to my site as mentioned previously and tried to edit the ecart Object in Ecart but I couldnot figure out what I should do.
I would like to charge $1.50 for the first pound. For the second pound and every pound after I would like to charge 50c/lb
Any help would be greatly appreciated

I did see that there was an Ecart Rule that let me calculate "Based on Canada Post shipping quote value" so I was wondering how that works and logistics behind its functionality

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Eric Mittman

You could setup shipping charge rules that would make this charge for you. It would consist of two rules. The first one will be for the first pound at $1.50 and the second rule will be for the additional pounds at $0.50 each.

For the first rule you would give it a name and set the condition to 'subtotal for any column' then select the weight column and specify greater than or =. For the calculation portion of the charge you will specify a flat rate of $1.50.

The second rule will look a lot like the first but it will be triggered on total weight greater than 1lb. For the calculation portion you would choose 'based on multiple of column subtotal', then for the column choose the totalweight then specify times 0.5 minus 1.5. This will add a charge of .50 for each pound minus 1.50 for the first pound.

With both of these rules together you should get the charge you are looking for. The options for basing the charge on the shipping quote value for Canada Post is a mistake, there is no support for Canada Post shipping quotes. I have logged this as a bug so it can be removed to avoid confusion.

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Thank you I will try that

Thank you I will try that that then I will set my weight of my item based on what my shipping cost total I desire for that item

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Eric Mittman

Sounds good. Let us know if you have any questions.

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