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Problem in Data Assist for Upload Pics and videos with Universal Mail 4

Thread began 6/21/2010 2:49 pm by Gabriel Tiviroli | Last modified 7/02/2010 7:21 am by Jason Byrnes | 3921 views | 20 replies |

Gabriel Tiviroli

Problem in Data Assist for Upload Pics and videos with Universal Mail 4

Friends, I have a problem now with Data Assist with Universal Mail 4, file upload. The point is that while so far I have not had problems with the message to update pictures, but now I have a very particular. I need to update a video, then you should update both the image and the video. I have understood that the upload function of Universal Mail 4 is used to upload any kind of files, the issue is that when I test does not pick up anything or image, or video, anything that is not updated. Here I send the php code generated by your tools so that I can help solve the problem. thanks.

// code removed and attached to this post

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Eric Mittman

I'm not so clear on what the problem is that you are experiencing. Please describe in a little more detail what you are trying to accomplish and the result that you are getting currently.

If you are having any troubles uploading then you should go into the bindings panel and expand the upload group and put the debug info binding onto your page. After you add this to the page test it out by trying to upload, you should see all of the details about the upload and any errors that may occur.

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Gabriel Tiviroli

Problem with upload

My problem specifically is as follows: I try upload two types of files: the first would be the thumbnail of the video, and the second is the video file in flv format. The point is that I have done all the steps and when I'll update does not work, does not upload and does not update any files

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Eric Mittman

You should go into the bindings panel and expand the upload group and put the debug info binding onto your page. After you add this to the page test it out by trying to upload, you should see all of the details about the upload and any errors that may occur. Please post back with this information.

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Gabriel Tiviroli

The problem persist

The debu info what appear is following:

Status object: WA_UploadResult1
statusCode : -1
errorMessage :
clientFileName :
fileExtension :
serverFileName :
serverSimpleFileName :
serverDirectory :
contentType :
fileWasOverwritten :
fileWasSkipped :
fileWasRenamed :
fileSize : -1
isImage :
imageWidth : -1
imageHeight : -1
clientFileName :
fileExtension :
serverFileName :
serverSimpleFileName :
serverDirectory :
contentType :
fileSize : -1
imageWidth : -1
imageHeight : -1
Status object: WA_UploadResult2
statusCode : -1
errorMessage :
clientFileName :
fileExtension :
serverFileName :
serverSimpleFileName :
serverDirectory :
contentType :
fileWasOverwritten :
fileWasSkipped :
fileWasRenamed :
fileSize : -1
isImage :
imageWidth : -1
imageHeight : -1
clientFileName :
fileExtension :
serverFileName :
serverSimpleFileName :
serverDirectory :
contentType :
fileSize : -1
imageWidth : -1
imageHeight : -1

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Gabriel Tiviroli

Problem persist

Hi, attachment into zip file with all pages generates with DataAssist include "insert page" and "update page" with the problems!

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Eric Mittman

The status that you are getting back for the uploads is -1, this means that the upload was not triggered. Are you testing the on the update page or the insert page? After you add in the debug code to the page you will need to load the page and attempt to upload on it. After you attempt to upload the files the debug info should give back more information if there are any problems.

It looks like you are using different triggers on the insert and update page, you should have the uploads set to the button pressed trigger for both of these. For the insert and update server behaviors you can set the trigger to 'all uploads successful'. This will make it so that the update and insert do not occur if the upload was not successful.

You should try going through this with the debug code on the page and upload the files. It should give you some info about the files and why the upload failed. Are you running into any size or timeout problems? By default the php upload and timeout values will make it difficult to upload larger files. If this is the case for you the php.ini file will need to be updated and these two values adjusted.

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Gabriel Tiviroli


Actually I'm confused, I have done all steps correctly and not get it to work. the file size is correct, and I have the right triggers. I urge this problem. Is there any way for the rise of video archivosd I have missed in the configuration file upload? this makes me bad, really. what can i do?

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Gabriel Tiviroli


i forgot! the problem occurs in both pages "update" and "insert". The triggers in both is the same.

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Eric Mittman

I'm not sure if you are experiencing a server configuration issue or if there is a problem with the files you are uploading, or if the settings you have used in the wizard are not correct for your server. You will need to determine what the error is that is occurring first before you will be able to determine why it is happening.

I think it might be best to make a small test page for the uploading. You should create a page and add a form to it that has only a file field and a submit button. Make sure that you set the method to post and the enctype to multipart/form-data. Next apply the upload file server behavior to this page, make it very simple, just select the location to upload to and set the trigger to submit button pressed. Then you should expand the global upload bindings to drag and drop the debug info onto the page. When you are ready to test this make sure to test it with a very small file then check what the debug info says and look for the file on the server. Please post back with the results of this test.

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