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Checkout Failure

Thread began 7/06/2010 3:54 pm by adam106173 | Last modified 7/21/2010 7:42 am by Jason Byrnes | 5743 views | 11 replies |


Checkout Failure

My site stopped working at checkout. I put the code in the failure page suggested in other threads, but I don't know how to read this:

Auth Net:
x_login=xxxxx&x_tran_key=xxxxx_version=3.1&x_invoice_num=1826420ccae283cd4da9fe1e0fe35053&x_test_request=0&x_method=CC&x_type=AUTH_CAPTURE&x_relay_response=FALSE&x_delim_data=TRUE&x_delim_char=::&x_customer_ip= Alma Stacking Chair (1630)&x_line_item=1630<|>Alma Stacking Chair<|><p><em>Designed by Javier Mariscal</em></p><p><strong>IN*STOCK, READY*TO*SHIP</strong></p><|>1<|>1<|>YES&x_card_num=xxxxx&x_exp_date=052013&x_card_code=242&x_email_customer=FALSE&x_tax=0&x_tax_exempt=FALSE&x_freight=0&x_first_name=Kelly&x_last_name=xxxx&x_address=xxxx Ave&x_city=Sherman Oaks&x_state=CA&x_zip=91411&x_phone=818.994.7501&x_fax=& Ave&x_ship_to_city=Sherman Oaks&x_ship_to_state=CA&x_ship_to_zip=91411&x_ship_to_country=US&x_ship_to_phone=818.994.7501&x_ship_to_fax=&x_recurring_billing=NO3::1::270::Line item 1 is invalid.::::P::0::1826420ccae283cd4da9::1 Alma Stacking Chair (1630) Oaks::CA::91411::US::0.0000::::0.0000::FALSE::::D2B2346E0D7704E1E9DBD86C6E89115F::::::::::::::::::::::::::XXXX8823::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::818.994.

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Okay. There were some special characters in the cart description, viewable in code view. That solved the problem.

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New Checkout Problem

I'm having another checkout issue with the site, even though I haven't changed anything. I put the code in the transaction failure page, and the issue is:

Full Response: 2::4::30::The configuration with processor is invalid. Call Merchant Service Provider

This doesn't seem to happen on every order. need is not being any help, and the processor is saying they are not getting anything at all.

Any experience with this response?

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Eric Mittman

This looks to be a message about your account settings with, here is a link that i found to a forum post about the same issue:


When you are running your tests are you using the same credit card and billing information each time? Do you get the error everytime when you use this credit card and details? What about the items you are testing with, are they the same everytime? I wondering if you have a value that you are using somewhere along the way that is causing this error. It seems that it is your merchant account that has the problem, the error is not mentioning anything about the values you are passing or credentials.

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I saw that thread too. That's when I had my client call It has happened on a few different products on my testing. I've tried two different credit cards. Then I had my client do a test and it went through. I haven't tried again myself because I just can't go there right now. My credit cards are fine as far as I know. My client even entered her info wrong the first time and the error came back as card declined. Then she did it again with the correct info and the order went through fine.

Problem is is saying they don't see anything. But this error comes from them, not from the cart, right?

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Eric Mittman

You are absolutely correct, this error come from directly, not from the cart. Perhaps there is a failure of some type that occurred that was causing the faulty behavior. If you are doing regular and consistent testing of the checkout you should easily spot any products or circumstances that are producing this error. If you can't reproduce the issue then it is likely a server or api problem from

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This is slowly killing me. I had my client do another test and the order went through fine. I do it using a couple different cards, and it fails. But my cards are fine. I did an order through test mode and it worked. This is specifically what the the transaction error states (I removed private info):

uth Net:
Full Request: x_login=0000&x_tran_key=0000&x_version=3.1&x_invoice_num=00000&x_test_request=0&x_method=CC&x_type=AUTH_CAPTURE&x_relay_response=FALSE&x_delim_data=TRUE&x_delim_char=::&x_customer_ip=0000&x_amount=65.85&x_description=1 Bruno Racing Car (1619)&x_line_item=1619<|>Bruno Racing Car<|><p><em>Designed by Julian Meagher</em></p><p><strong>IN STOCK, READY TO SHIP</strong></p><|>1<|>60<|>YES&x_card_num=0000000000000000&x_exp_date=052013&x_card_code=000&x_email_customer=FALSE&x_tax=5.85&x_tax_exempt=FALSE&x_freight=0&x_first_name=Adam&x_last_name=Gordon&x_address=0000 0000000 000&x_city=Sherman Oaks&x_state=CA&x_zip=91411&x_phone=000-000-0000&x_fax=& 000000Ave&x_ship_to_city=Sherman Oaks&x_ship_to_state=CA&x_ship_to_zip=91411&x_ship_to_country=US&x_ship_to_phone=000-000-0000&x_ship_to_fax=&x_recurring_billing=NO
Full Response: 2::4::30::The configuration with processor is invalid. Call Merchant Service Provider.::000000::P::3091786438::d2048c0d6cee78b8dff3::1 Bruno Racing Car (1619)::65.85::CC::auth_capture::::Adam::Gordon::::0000 0000000::Sherman 000000 Ave::Sherman Oaks::CA::91411::US::5.85::::0.00::FALSE::::33F4C262CF9EAB92917B580D7C5CF334::P::::::::::::::::::::::::XXXX0000::MasterCard::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::000-000-0000::

Does this say anything to you?

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I was also just giving the info to log into I see my transactions there as unsettled, but no other reason is giving. I'm going to call them myself and see if I can get a better answer from them than my client was.

It seems to me if the transaction is logged at, it either has something to do with me, or with authorize, and not the cart. Even if there were some illegal character in the product info, wouldn't that mean it wouldn't record the transaction at all? For example, doesn't like & or " in product description.

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New info. The problem is only with Mastercard. Everyone is pointing the finger to the site. Does that help you help me? I've attached the confirm page and checkout page.

Attached Files
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Eric Mittman

The code that is used on your confirm page to process the transaction does not even take into account the credit card type. It just takes the number, date, and card code. So there is nothing that I can tell that the code is doing to cause this to fail.

In the full response that you posted here is the message you are getting from

The configuration with processor is invalid. Call Merchant Service Provider

The error seems to be clearly telling you that it is a configuration issue with your account and that you need to contact them. I will gladly do whatever I can to help you get this worked out but it seems that the issue is with the configuration for the provider. I hate to just point back to but everything that I'm seeing here, including the messaging directly from them indicates that the issue is on there end and not with the script that is processing the transaction. Maybe there is a check box or another agreement that has not been confirmed to enable processing of Mastercard.

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