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UE 401 doesn't submit

Thread began 7/14/2010 12:35 pm by Alexneg66 | Last modified 7/23/2010 8:20 am by Jason Byrnes | 2086 views | 10 replies |


UE 401 doesn't submit

I have installed the new UE version 401, but now I have the problem: the form doesn't submit.
I have uploaded all files, also "webassist" folder. I have tried many time to restart from empty form, but nothing to do.

I attached the files



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Besides I have tried to set the string of the same form page in the action field, but it doesn't work again.
In the browser when I click on submit button, I see the form page refreshes and empties the fields, but anything else.

I have also tried uninstalling v 4.01 and to install 3.07, but when I open UE 307 behaviour, I get Javascript error. So I had to install 401 again.

If the mail server isn't linux server, but it is a Win server (with MySQL and PHP installed), does WAUE 401 work?

Thanks again


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Eric Mittman

The mail that is used in UE4 is universal for linux and windows systems. Looking at the code that is on the page it seems that the trigger might be the problem. You are using the same page post trigger. What happens if you update this to be 'any form post' or 'submit button pressed'? Please give this a try to see if you get a different result. I have seen before where the http_referer is not set and it causes the trigger to fail when it should be passing.

Please post back with the results that you get.

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Hello Eric,
thank you for your reply.
Ok, I have followed the two your advices.
The Form behaviour it is different than the first case.
As you asked me, I used 'any form post' and 'submit button pressed' and in both tests, the form passes to thanks page, but anything arrives to me via e-mail.

Thanks Eric again for your job


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Eric Mittman

If you are getting to the thank you page then it indicates that the server behavior is being triggered properly. Have you tested out more than one email address to send the email to?

The most common issues that I see when the email does not arrive are the recipients mail box is filtering the email out, or the settings that are used for the mail server are not correct. What are the settings that you are using for your mail server? Do you know if this is the correct value to be using? Usually your host will have settings that you can use to access an SMTP server that will allow you to send emails.

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I Eric,
I have did some tests.
I have uploaded the form and "webassit" folder on Linux server, the form has worked fine.
I have uploaded the form and "webassit" folder on Win server (PHP and MySQL installed), the form didn't work.

In any case the WAUE v3 worked fine. If the problem is not located, how can I go back to v3?
(I remember you: I have also tried uninstalling v 4.01 and to install 3.07, but when I open UE 307 behaviour, I get Javascript error. So I had to install 401 again.)


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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

Try changing the trigger for universal email from currant page submit to any form post.

If you wish to go back to UE3, delete the Dreamweaver cache file from the users configuration folder after uninstalling UE4 then installing UE3:

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Hi Jason,
thank you for your reply.
Yes, I have already try it. I have used 'any form post' and 'submit button pressed' trigger and in both tests, the form passes to thanks page, but anything arrives to me via e-mail.
Instead if I use the "current page submit" trigger, when I click on submit button I see the form page refreshes and empties the fields, but anything else.

Thanks in advances


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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

in the webassist/mail/mailformating_php.php file, change line 164:

$knownDomsPat = "/^(com|net|org|edu|int|mil|gov|arpa|biz|aero|name|coop|info|pro|museum|cat|\w{2,2})$/i";


$knownDomsPat = "/^(com|net|org|edu|int|mil|gov|arpa|biz|aero|name|coop|info|pro|museum|cat|it|\w{2,2})$/i";
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Hi Jason,
I modified the code and uploaded the pages but I have the same problem.

Can you advise me to do something else?



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