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Tries to include Digital File Pro

Thread begun 10/15/2010 7:38 pm by twitchr377598 | Last modified 10/22/2010 6:53 am by Jason Byrnes | 2890 views | 12 replies |


Tries to include Digital File Pro

I am trying to use the Upload server behavior, but every time I do, it includes this:
<?php require_once("WA_DigitalFilePro/HelperPHP.php"); ?> but doesn't generate that file. I delete it, because I'm sure I don't need it since I use Universal Email and don't even have Digital File Pro anymore, but my upload doesn't work anyway. Any idea why it keeps including that file. I have uninstalled extensions and reinstalled with the same result.

Thanks in advance,

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I was mistaken, the photo is uploading, but the name is not saving to the database. Still baffled as to why that old digital file pro include is happening though.

The name issue is probably something I'm doing, I'll check it out.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

try deleting the Dreamweaver cache file from the users configuration folder:

For the file name to store in the database, you will need to use the DataAssist insert behavior, and bind to the Server File Name variable under the WA Uploaded Files group in the bindings panel.

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Thanks as always for the reply Jason. I fixed the Digital File Pro problem but the name still doesn't get inserted into the database. I'm pretty sure I'm doing it correctly.

I have stripped the file down to it's minimum. I have attached the file. The member ID is getting inserted, the photoName is 0 in the database.

Thanks in advance,

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

to trouble shoot add the following code at line 1:



then add this code after the <body> tag:

<?php echo WA_DFP_AllUploadsDebug(); ?>

post back the results after trying to upload.

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Looks like the upload goes like it should if I'm reading correctly. If so, it must be in the insert code.

Status object: WA_UploadResult1

statusCode : 1
errorMessage : 
clientFileName : alfred_painting.jpg
fileExtension : jpg
serverFileName : alfred_painting_2.jpg
serverSimpleFileName : alfred_painting_2
serverDirectory : /home/content/14/6853814/html/dev/redneck_pics/
contentType : image/jpeg
fileWasOverwritten : 
fileWasSkipped : 
fileWasRenamed : 1
fileSize : 10298
isImage : 1
imageWidth : 320
imageHeight : 240
   clientFileName : alfred_painting.jpg
   fileExtension : jpg
   serverFileName : alfred_painting_2.jpg
   serverSimpleFileName : alfred_painting_2
   serverDirectory : /home/content/14/6853814/html/dev/redneck_pics/
   contentType : image/jpeg
   fileSize : 10298
   imageWidth : 320
   imageHeight : 240
   isImage : 1
   fileWasOverwritten : 
   fileWasSkipped : 
   fileWasRenamed : 1
   statusCode : 1
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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

Yup, the image is being uploaded properly, lets see the SQL that is running to insert the record.

add this code after the <body> tag:

<?php echo("Insert SQL: ".$WA_Sql."<br />"); ?>
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Yep, that's pretty much what it's inserting 0

Insert SQL: INSERT INTO `member_photos` (`memberID`,`photoName`) VALUES (2,0)
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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

ok, what does this code give us:

<?php echo("server File Name: ".$WA_DFP_UploadStatus["WA_UploadResult1"]["serverFileName"]."<br />"); ?>

and can you send the latest copy of your page.

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By the way, I really appreciate the fast responses, Jason. I have bought extensions from other dealers and stopped because of horrible (read none) support. WebAssist actually gets things resolved. So, thank you. :-)

It has the name:

server File Name: alfred_painting_4.jpg

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