Pathing Issues
OK so i have everything setup and it all looks and works as intended BUT:
In WA_Globals.php
$WAGLOBAL_Root_URL = "" ;
$WAGLOBAL_Site_Name = "My Site Name" ;
$WAGLOBAL_localRoot = "/Mycms/"; //This is where I have uloaded the PowerCMS too
$WAGLOBAL_remoteRoot = "/Mycms/"; //This is where I have uloaded the PowerCMS too
//iRite Images upload settings
$WAGLOBAL_Images_Folder = "../images/"; //relative path to your images folder.
$WAGLOBAL_Swf_Folder = "../swf/"; //relative path to your swf folder.
So when I upload images to the server via the CMS they get uploaded to the /Mycms/ Directory rather than the images directory in the root path as i would have expected. Can you please let me know what the path should be .
The URL for the image shows the Absolute path and not even the /Mycms/ path where the image ends up. Altering the $WAGlobal_Images_Folder to absolute or any other makes no difference for what i can see.
Also when I hit the Insert button i get the error as attached