Converting ColdFusion CFIF to PHP IF statement
Hi there!
To stay with ecart I am switching my life from CFM to PHP. In my cart I have a coldfusion IF statement that displays a discount amount (or amount the customer has saved by buying more product) and if the client has not bought enough to qualify for a discount it displays "buy more and save" with a couple price break options.
The question is how do I convert my CFIF statement to PHP to achieve the same result.
Any help is appreciated.
Here is my current code....
<cfif WA_eCart_TotalColumn(CardCart, "TotalDiscount") GT 0>
<br />
<span class="style75 style64"><span class="style54 style76">Congratulations!!! Your Volume Discount <strong>Savings</strong> is... </span></span> <span class="style91">$<cfoutput>#LSCurrencyFormat(WA_eCart_TotalColumn(CardCart, "TotalDiscount"),'none')#</cfoutput>
<p class="style52 style64 style58"><strong><span class="style78">BUY MORE and SAVE</span><br />
<span class="style75"><span class="style76 style54">Increase your Quantity Now to 50 Cards and Pay Only</span> <span class="style91">$1.38 each </span><span class="style76 style54">!</span><br />
<span class="style76 style54">or get 100 Cards for Only</span> </span><span class="style91">$1.17 each </span><span class="style54 style76"><em>!</em></span></strong><br />
Discounts apply to same card purchases only. <br />
<span class="style81">(Change quantity and click on the "Update Cart" button)</span></p>