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Email issues with yahoo mail accounts

Thread began 2/08/2011 10:32 am by siteontime | Last modified 2/10/2011 1:01 pm by Jason Byrnes | 6118 views | 7 replies |

siteontimeBeta Tester

Email issues with yahoo mail accounts

I have created a simple contact form with CSS Form Builder that sends an email out on submission.

The emails are not received by yahoo , by yahoo) or lycos email accounts . All other email addresses that I test appear to work fine and receive the email instantly.

There was another post about this that said to hardcode the from address and make a change to the mail.php page. I tried both of these with no success.

Is there something else I can try so that the emails can be delivered to accounts on these mail servers?

Thanks for your help

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

Where the emails are being sent to some users successfully, the issue is on the SMTP server.

you will need to contact the host to have them look into the SMTP Server error logs to see why the email is not being relayed to those email addresses.

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siteontimeBeta Tester

Here is the message I get back from yahoo. It looks like the issue is in the from address, but I have the from address hard coded into the script and it works for every email address except yahoo accounts. Is there anything in the script that I need to change?

From Yahoo support : <> []:25,
delay=1.1, delays=0.34/0/0.23/0.54, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced (host <> [] said: 501 Syntax error in parameters or
arguments (in reply to MAIL FROM command))

Is your form creating adding any special characters which Yahoo may be

Thanks for your help.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

what is the reply to field set to? The error seams to be complaining about the reply to field.

I dont think it is the from address since the emails are going out to some recipients.

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siteontimeBeta Tester

I don't see anything about a reply to in the code.

Here is my code:

$MailAttachments = "";
$MailBCC = "";
$MailCC = "";
$MailTo = "";
$MailBodyFormat = "";
$MailBody = "";
$MailImportance = "";
$MailFrom = "";
$MailSubject = "Your requested quote;

//Global Variables

$WA_MailObject = WAUE_Definition("","","","","","");

if ($RecipientEmail) {
$WA_MailObject = WAUE_AddRecipient($WA_MailObject,$RecipientEmail);
else {
//To Entries

//Additional Headers

//Attachment Entries

//BCC Entries

//CC Entries

//Body Format
$WA_MailObject = WAUE_BodyFormat($WA_MailObject,0);

//Set Importance
$WA_MailObject = WAUE_SetImportance($WA_MailObject,"3");

//Start Mail Body
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . ("/templates/Email_Templates.php"));
$contents = ob_get_clean();

$MailBody = $MailBody . ($contents);
$MailBody = $MailBody . "";

//End Mail Body

$WA_MailObject = WAUE_SendMail($WA_MailObject,$MailAttachments,$MailBCC,$MailCC,$MailTo,$MailImportance,$MailFrom,$MailSubject,$MailBody,"waue_update_quote_4");

if (isset($_SESSION["waue_update_quote_4_Status"])) {
$MailLogBindings = new WAUE_Log_Bindings();
//Start Log Bindings
//Success Or Failure
$MailLogBindings->SuccessOrFailure->ToDo = "create";
$MailLogBindings->SuccessOrFailure->Connection = "PowerStoreConnection";
$MailLogBindings->SuccessOrFailure->TableName = "email_log";
$MailLogBindings->SuccessOrFailure->EmailColumn = "EmailTo";
$MailLogBindings->SuccessOrFailure->ColumnList = array("EmailTo", "EmailFrom", "EmailSubject", "EmailBody", "EmailHeader", "EmailError", "EmailStatus");
$MailLogBindings->SuccessOrFailure->TypeList = array("',none,''", "',none,''", "',none,''", "',none,''", "',none,''", "',none,''", "',none,''");
$MailLogBindings->SuccessOrFailure->ValueList = array("".$_SESSION["waue_update_quote_4_To"] ."", "".$_SESSION["waue_update_quote_4_From"] ."", "".$_SESSION["waue_update_quote_4_Subject"] ."", "".$_SESSION["waue_update_quote_4_Body"] ."", "".$_SESSION["waue_update_quote_4_Header"] ."", "".$_SESSION["waue_update_quote_4_Log"] ."", "".$_SESSION["waue_update_quote_4_Status"] ."");
//Success Only

//Failure Only

//End Log Bindings
$MailLogBindings->SuccessOrFailure->MailRef = "waue_update_quote_4";
$MailLogBindings->Success->MailRef = "waue_update_quote_4";
$MailLogBindings->Failure->MailRef = "waue_update_quote_4";
$MailLogBindings->processLog(($_SESSION["waue_update_quote_4_Status"] == "Failure"));
$WA_MailObject = null;

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

you dont have a reply to address defined, try setting the replay to address to the same email as the from address.

if that does not work, we will need more details from yahoo, specifically, what syntax is causing the error.
The info they have provided is pretty vague.

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siteontimeBeta Tester

I just used the CSS form builder to create this. Where do I define the reply to email address? I don't see a field for this.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

Double click the Universal Email server behavior in the server behaviors list to edit it.

Next to the From address, click the From button to go to the advanced from editing screen, here you can define the reply to address.

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